Bitcoin The time you are happiest is your time to be sad. Fomo on maximum Took high liquidity received stiff resistance Anything I post is not a financial advice, please #DYOR #NFA.
Anything I post is not a financial advice, please #DYOR #NFA.
Anything I post is not a financial advice, please #DYOR #NFA.
1. Is this the best time to exit the market? 2. Do you think the stock price in the market is fair? 3. If you look at the financing rates that get more expensive every month, is there a justification for the price? sooner or later it will happen, Make sure to be liquid in money, and also in dreams. Anything I post is not a financial advice, please #DYOR #NFA.
WAVE/USDT Anything I post is not a financial advice, please #DYOR #NFA.
nikkei idea Anything I post is not a financial advice, please #DYOR #NFA.