This electric monster has slept for Aeons, but someone has dug into the earth and discovered his hoard of precious blue Cobalt. The air is charged - the hairs on my arm are standing on end at the sight of this little green tail flickering into life. Cobalt prices are only going up thanks to the EV market demand for battery minerals. This company owns one of the...
For now, AML is primarily a paper mine as far as it's cobalt operation goes, yet even now has potential 10x return. Cobalt prices are rising steadily with no end in sight thanks to the EV craze. I cannot find another more blatant opportunity to make Lithium-like 10000% returns. When rumours of progress towards starting operations show up, you will see some...
US10 Year still trending down against US 2 Year (candles). Until they bottom out around 1:1 and start to reverse, this bull market cycle will continue. All of SPY's (orange line) most bullish periods in the last three decades were during down trends of the RSI on 10 year vs 2 year. RSI on 10 Year vs 2 year is entering oversold territory now. Buy the dip on...
If you feel like you missed out on becoming a Bitcoin millionaire, Elon has got your back with second chance entries. Many people misinterpreted Elon's signals - he is basically giving out swing trading (weeks to months) and long term investment advice - eg he recently tweeted about a Roman emperor whose wiki page had a silver coin as the first image,right as...
This is a chart of GME-1/NDAQ*10000 - it is intended to show the inverse relationship between GME and NASDAQ - ie a flat line, but the flat line goes up when Nasdaq comes down and GME goes up, because GME is worth more than 10000 Nasdaqs. Buy and Hold regions as indicated. "Buy, or buy not. There is no sell" -- Master Yoda What's an exit strategy? Not...
Generally when a market breaks out of the outer stdev band, it will snap back inside atleast the second, and often even the first, before resuming trend in line with original break out