Currently a investment with GBTC could be good.
Signals are not approved today, but maybe while todays trading time, it will get the approval from MACD and maybe DMV for a long position. Wait paciently till signal is in...
I bought ALB some weeks ago and after drawdown, we see again with postiv signal in MACD another entry point with positiv outlook. Albermale could now be a good buy.
MongoDb tested the MA again and may bounce again back to new highs now. Drawdown last weeks was not the heavy, which shows a strong stock/company possible to buy
Shop Apotheke stayed strong even with down pressure the last 3-4 weeks. So it can buyed today with a cheaper price to target a new ATH. Testing the old trend channel is possible, but I assume it will not happen
Today maybe we see if down pressure is higher than then current upward pressure. The future trend maybe form today... It will be interesting to see where we go. I hope upwards...
Oracle, which is not a internet company, but IT company with more traditional focus, seems to be very strong the last 1-2 month and not be affected by the weakness of the internet stocks. Oracle is also profitable and may attract now more investors, so going long is a good idea in my eyes with this stock.
Chevron may be a good trade in the next weeks, but i would wait it comes down to 98$ This would be the best setup. Shortterm it is overbought and the price could come down a little bit for a better entry point. Patiently waiting...
1&1 was very strong in the last two month and not very strong while corona crisis. So it may have a lot of upward potential, now when sectors moving. 1&1 is not only a cloud but also a phone company in germany, with potential to have it own mobile network in the next years. Sorry its in German: (1&1 want to set up a own mobile network in Germany)
Putting Infineon on my watchlist for a possible upward move, like it was in November. If it crosses again the MA200 (4h) and the MACD turns positiv, an upward trend is possible. Currently infineon is downward since it is also in the tech portfolios, which have a down move together. But infineon is also a major company producing semiconductors for the automobile...
Iridium is still a bullish stock, but you can get it cheaper soon. Be patient to buy it at lower price. RSI and Volumn but for a short term down trend, which may break the next support lines. Keep an eye on it and maybe buy in March 21
DAX is still very strong and this shouldn't change soon. We now in an overbought area and may see better entrypoints mid or end of March.
Should MSFT break throu the support lines of its current sideward trend, a shorting of the stock should be a possible option.
Nvidia shows weakness in its current sideward channel and may search lows beyond the channel. I try a speuclative short on it. QQQ and Stock market also show weakness in this sector, so possiblities are relativly high right now.
I wouldn't be that worried about the stock market. The 10 years bond also coming back to the area before corona. So start of april or may, this move should end and fear should be gone. Good time now buy stocks, cheaper!
MACD is actually not positiv, that the breakout will happen now. Putting an alert, if breakout happening the next days... More realistic it maybe, that the breakout will happen later this year. But there may be opportunities to buy this stock cheaper and have the possibility to targert 15 €