buy only above red are the line.. exit the below line of white.
buy only above 405 only charts speak stoploss redline..
buy only above 74 TARGET 79 ---85---91--95 STOPLOSS 67
sell below 149.05 target 147.25 target 144.25 target 139.25 sl 153.25
Chart tell.. the target Careful with the redline.
buy only above 233 target step by step yellow.. stoploss redline..
buy only above step by step slowly 96 target follow the lines.. stoploss 92
step by step buy only above 118.75 stop loss red line charts speak
buy only above 529 and follow the lines.. stoploss redline.. charts speak
buy only above 89.55 only stoploss 86.55 Target as per the charts and lines
buy above 2.85 long journey to go. chart is saying ... buy above the line and stoploss red line
pole length= 770-660= 110 length target is 110/2 =55 + 770= 825 stop loss= 752
buy only above 172 target 175 186 stoploss 158 Charts do speak
buy only above 1735 only target 1950/- 2150 2250/- stoploss 1635/-
buy only above 385 only target 420 445 stoploss 367
buy only above 152 target 175, 185 its flag and pole. target is the length of pole divided by 2 gives the target from flag breakout.
buy only above 4700 target are on the chart stoploss yellow line
buy above 43700 for target of 51k charts do speak target of 51k to 51.5k 57 62k stoploss 40k chartspeak before the news is out