Not hard at all with these buy and sell indicators. Use them on the daily chart for greater than 50% profit, and higher with a stop loss. Use this on the daily chart.
TSLA has shown previously that their wedge patterns always yield a big breakouts. I would expect this one to be no different. Look at my prior wedge patterns, have I been wrong?
Was I right before? Am I right again?
Get those calls options ready. Look at my prior wedge pattern analysis, have I been wrong? Nope.
Any idiot who reads a few technical analysis books can make these. So here I am! Battery investor day will happen sometime in June, which will have Mr. Wonka...err Elon Musk, to unveil what's behind the curtain, and allow us the see how his umpa lumpas make the Tesla batteries. He has stated: "Battery day will blow your mind. It blows my mind and I know...
We will see a breakout here in the coming days / weeks. But really, I have no clue what I'm talking about. Just like every other MFer out there.
Bro, bro, really? Really bro? You're a matador, you know what to do. BABA baby BABA.