A lot of people ("average joe" not experienced traders) are talking about buying stocks now because they had such a big dip. Also mass media in my language area (German) are full of buying recommendations now.
Yes, it looks like a big dip on the daily chart, but if you zoom out to the monthly it looks like we are just at the beginning of the crisis. Technical Indicators are far from the bottom and we just hit the monthly 50 MA.
Compare it to the crashes in 2000 and 2008, for me this does not look like the bottom, it rather looks like a small correction until now.
Millions of people lost their jobs or had to shut down their business. People can not pay back their debts. No traveling, no money for expensive stuff.
REAL economy is crashing and the stock market will follow sooner or later.
What do you think?
Always do your own research, do no believe the mass-media and random guys in the internet, and trade save in times like this. Do not let the market makers S(cam) & P(oor) you until you have only 500 bucks left.