Is that a recession on the horizon? (TL;DR @ end)

In one of the previous ideas I published, I addressed the rising concerns many people have regarding exchange traded funds, or at least the ones that use various indexes as a benchmark for weighting and distribution. Obviously, linked to this would be the concern of a crash in the whole of the U.S stock market and possibly all western markets (I can't perform an educated judgement on eastern markets as I have limited knowledge in that regard).

Unfortunately for the United States economy, the situation has been looking rather dire. There are countless reasons to why I say this, two of which I must mention, are:
1. The inflation rates in the US that have increased to 6.2% according to the consumer price index.
2. The democrats' (likely successful) attempt at raising the debt ceiling for the government to avoid default.
Not only are these 2 signs very concerning as far as economic stability but, like every recession prior to date; had stocks trading at the highest levels ever recorded. Which is exactly what is happening right now as you read this.

Luckily for bond holders and unfortunately for borrowers, in response to these increased inflation rates, interest rates are also destined to rise. The effect of this was seen today in the US 10 year state bonds (US10) as they increased by just under half a percentage point in price in 24 hours. This may be a good time to transfer some of your stock holdings into state bonds for the sake of safety, before the potential recession.

The other concern is how ludicrously high the market is trading. If you take a look at any of the major public corporations, you will notice that they are trading at earnings multipliers that are astronomical (that's actually an understatement) but despite this fact, many people are still buying stocks at an alarming rate. If you take a sneak peak at the news, you will see a huge portion of traders all 'screaming' "buy more, buy more", regardless of the fact that 90% of stocks and crypto are trading at ludicrous prices and are bound to take some sort of fall at some point in the near future. I am writing this just to put the thought in the back of some of my fellow investors' minds, hopefully might make them re-evaluate their portfolio distribution and possibly have a bit of cash at hand to buy some of the bargains that will come out of the next recession.

As usual, other opinions, facts and news are always welcome, stay safe and comment away!

TL;DR: There are a couple of signs of a potential recession on the horizon, between overpriced stocks and crypto and people's ludicrous spending in the market. When this recession may occur is not for my prediction but given increased interest rates, I would suggest converting some of your liquid assets to state bonds and/or cash so you can take advantage of the coming bargains.
Beyond Technical AnalysisbondscrashGOVinflationinvestmentrecessiontrading
