[SPX] Anyone Else Seeing This!?!... Holy FRACTAL Batman!

We could already be at the peak here but I got a feelin this BULLGASM aint over!

Wouldn't be much of a grand finale if it just gave up now.

Just some red meat for you Bulls before the party ends.

That is max height for this run.
If this is peak, here's my guess for the following crash fractal. May have to wait till 3650 still though, we'll see...
Just realized this is an extension of the fractal from Aug 18th that I used to roughly predict the pullback...
[SPX] New & Improved Treasure Map... Now w/ More SHAPES!
Chart PatternsFundamental AnalysisSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)Trend Analysis

Data analyst with a passion for best fit lines B)

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