[SPX] Extrapolated DT Levels... Prepare for the MASSACRE!

By ProfitHarvest
Lot of data lining up for a strong pullback Monday. Should close at lower low by EOD leading into that.

I just extrapolated on my original top blue DT line to get an idea of where this thing will fall quickly and where it might hold for a bit. Also note that price bounced off the yellow line already and just holding a bit now before it falls below.

This drop is likely to take a month, just like in March. The world will once again be reminded of the destruction face melting programmatic selloffs can level.

I've said most of what needs to be said already. Will update model by model as the price falls and hits the interesting points.

Really hoping to see the Super TRIN model come through with my 5th drop confirm but ultimately probably too laggy/noisy to be much use moving forward.

If you want to get in my head you should be reading...

Lots of other fantastic analysis out there too!

GL all and happy harvests! B)
Fundamental AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)Trend Analysis
Data analyst with a passion for best fit lines B)