The Game is UP - S&P500 & Economic Analysis

Although all the Bears out there agree that the market action is illogical there is a strong counter-argument.
Reasons to be Bearish:
• Corporate Profits and Weak Manufacturing Outlook
• GDP is slashed
• Massive unemployment
• Corona Second Wave
• Mass Protests / Rioting
• Massive Quantitative Easing Will Corrupt the Economy
Reasons to Be Bullish
All Major Economies are using QE therefore the relative side effects are negligible vs other leading economies.

• Corona Situation is improving
• Inflation is very low
• Money is super cheap
• Central Banks fully committed to saving economies

There is nowhere else for Capital to go:

• Bonds - Worthless.
• Gold – only increased by 9.5% in 2020
• Cash – Useless
• Commodities - no hope
• Commercial and Private Property – Flakey

Simply put, stocks are the only place for the big money to store and grow wealth at the moment.

Therefore I am long until the market tells me otherwise.
Fundamental AnalysisOscillatorsTrend Lines
Barry D. Moore CFTe Financial Technician
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