Market Internals in trouble

By dorfmanmaster
The 2 most important internals we can measure are sentiment and breadth.

Sentiment is going higher, but breadth is starting to show cracks.

The are many breadth measures, including: McClellan Oscillator, advancers vs decliners, equal weights.

Both had been holding up very well; however, the breadth is starting to show downtrends, suggesting we are due for a correction.

I have been following a chart from an analyst at Schwab, which shows the correlation between 2009-2010 SPX chart VS the 2020-2021 SPX chart. And it has been following it CLOSELY. This chart also suggests we are due for a 8% correction (drawn in the chart).

Let me know if you want the article, it is free on the Insight Schwab website.

Always rely on your stop-exits. Volatility is growing higher.

Beyond Technical AnalysisbreadthcorrectionFundamental AnalysisinternalsmcclellanoscillatorQQQsentimentSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysis
