Update on current top and next bottom

Following up on last week. Analysis said the short-term top would be 4 days according to most models. Outside chance of 9 or 11 days too. We never convincingly went down yet. The current top would be B's 9th full trading day. This would mean the CPI report may not be positive for the market as applied to the last analysis. We still need a drop of some days. A longer B would make the final C down even longer than the first projection. I don't think we bottom before CPI. This also means we must break below the original end of wave A which was 3764. We could lose 200 points this week I have plotted the Minor waves (yellow letters) inside of Intermediate B as I see them in this moment, however Minor wave C looks short at one day long (if it is indeed over). Based on historical data for waves ending in BBC I plotted the quartile movement extensions for Minor wave C based on the data in Minor wave A. The median historical movement would put the top around 3903.038 and the third quartile would be 3909.768. The current top from January 6 is between those two levels. Additionally, the potential lengths have strong agreement at 4 days, second most is 2 & 3 days, third most is 5 days, and then 1 day.

The majority of models are pointing to another possible high early in the week, but based on the large movement from last Friday, Minor wave C and Intermediate B could be over.
Time to clarify Intermediate wave C and the end of Primary wave B. The original levels are all still valid. My narrow call for a bottom is between 3625-3675. The only new variable to consider is the length of Intermediate wave C.

Based on waves ending in 2BBC, Intermediate wave C could now last 6, 11, 18, or 26 days. Based on waves ending in BBC, the most models agree on a length of 6, 12, or 18 days. Second most is 5 days, and third most is 7-11 days long. Based on a broader dataset for waves ending in BC, most models agree on 5 and 15 days. Second ties at 12 and 18 days. Third is 4, 6 and 9 days. Fourth is 21 and 22 days. Next is 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, and 24 days.

My original projection from last month was a bottom around January 25 which is 12 trading days. January 19 would be 8 days, and January 17 is 6 days. Compared to the volatility we have been experiencing and have the CPI report likely to play some roll in the drop, 12 days seem too long. With 6-8 days found as a favorite in the models, I will plan for seven days long for now.

VERDICT: I am short in the short-term (to January 18), long in the medium-term (Summer 2023), and short in the longer-term (1st quarter 2025). For the bottom pending more data it is possibly around January 18 below 3650.
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