QE Market Crisis and the next major recession coming

I know it seems like I am preaching dooms day is upon us, but it all lines up too perfectly on the chart. Note, that I laid out all of the Elliott wave grand supercycles first to define bull and bear markets. I then went to the internet to find out if something happened in the market during those years. The great depressions was obvious, so lets skip that. To my absolute astonishment there were 2 significant bear markets that I was unaware of that lined up exactly with the wave analysis.
  • The Golden Bear
  • Bond Market Crisis

I really don't know what to say. The analysis says that we are ready for a major correction and a year or more of serious recession. I hope that I am wrong because no one wants that level of suffering.
I went back and did some tweaking. This entire "grand supercycle" event can be traced back to the exact date of August 9, 1995 when Netscape launched its IPO. I originally had it starting 12/15/1994, however that did not properly align with the Feb 2009 bottom. It works perfectly by adjusting the trading channel to have its support start at 8/9/95 and it resistance connect the tops of the dot.com bubble and housing market bubble. I am just awestruck that it works out.
DJIElliott WaveNASDAQ 100 CFDSPX (S&P 500 Index)Trend Analysis

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