S&P 500 Index

BRUTAL: US vs EU stock market comparison.

By fatjohn
This is no news to anyone who follows the stock market but this is just to put it in perspective how bad the EU is doing.
The euro is lagging, getting close to parity with the dollar and the stock market in Europe has gone nowhere for decades.
If you took all your money out of the Eurostoxx in '07 and put it in the S&P you would have had 3,5 times as much if you had held on.
You would have doubled your money even if you made the decision at the worst point prior to this decade.
The EU is a sinking ship and rapidly declining to 2nd world economic minipower.
Megalomaniacs try to desperately band Europe together with stitches claiming to make the EU relevant on the global stage.
Well they are failing, meanwhile Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Norway, South Korea and many others are proving that you do not need to be big to grow fast.
The election is in May, throw the bums out.
Absolute failure.
Beyond Technical AnalysisdollareuroeuropeEURUSDS&P 500 (SPX500)stoxx50USA
