Bottom before CPI followed by months of green

Testing for perceived location:
SubMillennial wave: 1
Grand SuperCycle wave: 5
SuperCycle wave: 2
Cycle wave: B
Primary wave: B
Intermediate wave: B
Location ID: 152BBB

This is an update on the progress of Primary wave B. My last analysis (
Estimated Path To Next Summer
) projected Intermediate wave A (inside of Primary wave B) to bottom on December 22 which appears to be the case for now. Minor waves 3 and 4 inside of Intermediate A did appear to hit their marks as well. Minute wave 3 in Minor wave 3 was confirmed on an hourly chart by using my Elliott Wave 3 Finder (
Elliott Wave 3 Finder
). This would appear to confirm the location of Minor wave 3 and further confirm Intermediate wave A is over, even though the bottom was not as deep as projected.

The prior analysis also projected Intermediate wave B to top around 3925 by January 5. Due to Intermediate wave A not dropping as far, wave B may not reach this top. The following are the projections for the end of Intermediate wave B based on the assumed conclusion of Intermediate wave A. Intermediate wave A lasted 15 trading days, moved 278.13 for a rise over run of 18.542 points per day. The left most set of lines are for determining Intermediate wave B endpoints.

Based on waves ending in 2BBB, the length of Intermediate wave B may only be 3 to 4 days (which we are beyond at this point). The most current top was 4 days after the end of wave A which theoretically means Intermediate B could be over. In my opinion this movement would be quick and historical data for waves ending in 2BBB is very limited so let’s explore the other datasets first. The quartiles for movement retracement are at 39.28%, 56.545% and 73.81%. This would point to tops at 3896.48, 3954.49, and 4012.50 (the light blue lines on the chart).

Based on waves ending in BBB, the strongest model agreement for length is at 3 and 4 days again, with additional indications of 5 and 9 days long as well. The maximum lengths are generally only 60% of wave A’s move, while most are no higher than 33%. This would likely cap the length of wave A at 9 days, with a more likely cap at 5 days. Movement retracement quartiles are at 29.76%, 52.325%, and 68.64%. These are the yellow lines on the chart.

The largest dataset, and less specific, is for waves ending in BB. In order of strongest model agreement intermediate wave B could last 4 or 3 days. The third most agreement is a tie amongst 5, 8, 15, and 30 days. Fourth most agreement is at 9 and 11 trading days. Movement retracement quartiles are near the previous levels with the 3rd quartile being the outlier at 86.58% (the white level on the chart).

All datasets tend to point to a length around 3-4 days which has not only passed our current position but the current top was achieved on day 4. The level may have been lower than the quartiles from the models, however, it is in line with some of the historical movement. We will likely wait and see what happens next.

Based on what would have been expected of Intermediate wave B, we will now assume Intermediate B has completed and begin to forecast Intermediate wave C. The plots for Minor waves A and B and end point for Intermediate wave B are plotted on the chart. This also means this first week of 2023 should move below the high from December 29, 2022 for a few weeks.
Current location:
SubMillennial wave: 1
Grand SuperCycle wave: 5
SuperCycle wave: 2
Cycle wave: B
Primary wave: B
Intermediate wave: C
Location ID: 152BBC

The data for Intermediate wave A has not changed from above which was 15 trading days long, drop of 278.13 points for rise over run of 18.542. With the assessed conclusion of Intermediate wave B, it lasted 4 trading days, rose 35.81 points for a rise over run of 8.953 points/day. Intermediate wave B retraced wave A’s length by only 26.67% and retraced it’s movement by 12.88%. The centermost lines in the chart above outline the potential endpoints for Intermediate wave C.

Based on waves ending in 2BBC, Intermediate C could last 6, 8, 11, or 12 trading days. No one value stands out. The movement extension quartiles are very compact at 127.13%, 130.095%, 133.06%. These levels are light blue above.

Based on waves ending in BBC, the most model agreement has Intermediate wave C ending at 8 trading days. Secondary agreement is at 5 and 12 days. Many points all tie for third most agreement. The movement extension quartiles are 104.14%, 121.565%, 127.47%. The new levels are the yellow lines above.

Based on waves ending in BC, the most model agreement has Intermediate wave C ending at 2, 4, 8, 12, and 15 days. The second most agreement is at 5 trading days long. Third most agreement is at 16 days. The movement extension quartiles are at 108.66%, 133.315%, 147.17%. These levels are the white lines in the middle section above.

Based on all of these considerations it looks like we are in for a down week to begin 2023. I have placed the end of Intermediate wave C (which is also the end of Primary wave B around 3663 on January 11, 2023. That means we could drop a little less than 200 points over the next week and a half. All things considered with the market’s volatility over the past year, this will be slow and likely full of indecisive trading. The rightmost set of retracement lines outline the overall retracement of Primary wave B in relation to Primary wave A. This target bottom would place the overall retracement around 70% of Primary wave A’s gain of 600+ points.

What could be the catalyst for this final bottom? I have us rising strong until the summer of 2023 with highs above 4400-4600 range. January 10th and 11th will be quiet on the economic news front, however, the latest CPI read will be January 12th. This could be the catalyst. There are likely 2 ways to consider this number and things to remember. Inflation really accelerated one year ago. Inflation is likely high, but when considering where we were one year ago it should drop significantly. Therefore, the algorithmic trading computers will likely see a low print as a high win for the Fed and its monetary policies of the prior year. Although this is hiding a major issue, people will not care to look at the actual cause. A low print will start the moonshot the market is soon to face.

I will have plenty of time in the coming months to explain why the market top in mid-2023 will be followed by a likely 40-50% drop in the market, but who cares. Enjoy the quick gains and be ready to play it safe later.

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All forecasts are based on analysis of past behavior. Prior movements are not always indicative of future movement. Develop the theory, test the theory. Do your own research. Nothing in this analysis constitutes advice. YouTube For More. Good luck!!
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