Another Very Interesting SPX Alternate Wave Count

First congratulations to Trading View member brchart, who on June 28th commented on my SPX post that the SPX June 13th top may have been wave "d" of a still developing Elliott wave Horizontal Triangle from the January 2018 peak. Great work! This could be what's happening in the SPX.

What makes this count a strong probability is the 30 minute P/C ratio. In an ideal Horizontal Triangle that corrects the progress of a bull market, sentiment should get more bearish as the triangle contracts and price rises at the "c" and "e" bottoms.

The 30 minute P/C ratio has not exceeded the high made on the February 9th bottom at 2532. But the "(C) and (E) bottoms have P/C ratios in the same general area as the February 9th reading. The reading made at the June 28th bottom is the second highest P/C ratio since February 9th, fascinating considering the SPX was 160 points higher on June 28th then it was on February 9th.

There's also Fibonacci evidence, wave (E) is close to a .382 relationship to wave (C).

Also note I have changed the degree of the Elliott wave labeling. I have modified my long term SPX Elliott wave count which I will post very soon.


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