VIX Chicanery.. SPX idling by

The impressive perseverance of Retail Traders has/is allowing Wall Street's most somnambulant and exposed to 'cleanse' themselves and hedge against the inevitable. This was rampant in 08' and, TO ME, it does not seem the major disconnect between the Equity Markets and the Global Economy is reflective of a severe level of "complacency". With too many looming global economic crises to count, I see yet another fabrication of "complacency", which is nothing but opportunistic synthesized delusion.

For the optimists, this type of onerous activity may sound ridiculous, or a defunct symptom of the past, though it is important to consider where these entities' interests lie.

It was highly profitable on Wall Street to publish ‘rose-colored’ economic outlooks that continually prove to have been terribly Inaccurate. Central banks failed miserably across the board. So horribly, I find it impossible not to justify a major shift in what the 'responsibilities' of central banks are and how they are undergone. From their past performance, you'd think they were given the responsibility of constructing decades long, global pump & dumps. This rewards those on Wall Street for bolstering awful financial behavior across the world, only now seen as obscenely disconnected from reality (to them). The FED's inability to follow through on their commitment to QT conveniently postpones the economic healing as the most somnambulant and exposed are assisted onto the Arc.

An indisputable pattern of negligence, near-sighted thinking, poor regulation &/or enforcement, all tied together by a blatant lack of concern for normal, everyday citizens is what produced this type of activity in the past. In this world, history is merely an outline of the future. When the present is identically taking after the past, the only beneficial act is to improve the future by providing it with a better outline. Unfortunately, history has provided us with countless outlines we seem impotent to stray from.

Could we really be in the present if the architects and their parasites went unprotected before unleashing their creation unto the innocent, undeserving people that seem to exist only as an Organ Donor to repair their incompetence.

(To be clear: The Russian War is not the cause, nor would it be a solution for it to end today. A debilitated global financial system that unfalteringly favors & protects those living in a fantasy world for.... being born... into wealth... failed.. again)

My Sole Opinions & Analysis.
VIX lower after an unexpected GDP report showing we are already in a recession? Shamelessly obvious.
Beyond Technical AnalysisSPX (S&P 500 Index)VIX CBOE Volatility Index
