Trendline Trades w Heikin Ashi Algo Oscillator + a surpriseWelcome to the coffee shop everyone. This is your host and Barista Eric. This podcast is designed to teach you The right and wrong way to get in and out of your trades because I'm not just going to tell you the right way, I'll also show you the things that you should not do. It's also a platform where I can release my versions of popular indicators. I'll show you how to use them and of course from time to time I will call out really bad strategies because I don't want you guys to have that information. feel free to share this content anywhere you choose online and of course do not fall for scams because I will not contact you for any type of currencies lending or any financial help in any way online. That being said, if you see me on the street and you want to give me a dollar all the power to you I'll be more than happy to accept it.
Also don't get worried if I do send you a message it's usually just a thank you for starting to follow me because everyone that follows me I do have to follow them back so that I can see what you have going on.
All that being said in today's video I am going to show you how to draw trend lines and channels using the support and resistance Indications in Heikin Ashi Algo Oscillator. Now you may not have this oscillator on your charts yet but for now you can use the CSC-HARSI.
here is a link to get that from tradingview and add it to your chart
So let's go to Tradingview and open it up on your desktop or on your phone.
go to the indicators tab
type in coffee shop crypto
there you will find only one indicator called the CoffeeshopCrypto HARSI 2022
Go ahead and add that to your chart and make sure it's added to your favorites
Now in its default settings that should work just fine for you because the default settings allow you to use the VWAP as a moving average against your RSI.
This particular tutorial I'm picking off the resistance indication that came up and then it was followed by several support indications. This simply means that resistance was going against your price the Bears were pushing against the Bulls so prices moved up and met resistance and it was being pushed back down.
Take care to watch the whole video for the strategy on how to use this with Trend Lines.
I am releasing the Heikin Ashi Algo OScillator later today as is. And you can use it with some of the indications that are available.
I think it's time I release it and stop trying to be so perfect with it.
It will have the S/R/ levels
Aerts to exit your short or long position
Range signals - To tell you when you have entered into a RANGE
Bulls / Bears Rejection Signals - Letting you know its a STRONG rejection of the current bullish or bearish trend.
Double Stochastic Strategy - A video will be created on how to use this on a later date. I'm also leaving the double stack castic strategy in there but you may not know how to use it just yet and I will create a video on that on a later date so in the meantime when you see it you could just turn it off if you want to.
Alerts for Exit Short and Exit Long - these messages will be sent to your phone, email and desktop to let you know you should exit your current trade of Long or Short.
How to trade using the CSC-HARSI "The Real Way"Welcome to The coffee shop. this is your host and Barista Eric. This podcast is designed to teach you the technical analysis that you should know so you can stay out of false trades in your Crypto endeavors. It's a platform where I get to release my edits of popular indicators. I'll show you how to use them, and of course from time to time I will call out really bad strategies because I don't want you guys to have bad information. Feel free to share this content where you choose and of course do Not fall for scams. I will not approach you online asking you for crypto assets Lending or any type of financial support. But bear in mind that doesn't mean I don't like talking with you guys because from time to time you will find a message from me saying hey how you do when they want to get close to you.
So it's been a while since the CSC-HARSI has been released and I think it's time I do a quick video on an entry and exit for a buy and sell on this indicator.
It has been requested by dozens of you weekly and I have seen all of the videos online on the improper way to use the old version of this indicator. Since the new one is out and it works basically on beast mode I want you guys to be using this to its fullest potential.
today's video is based on using the VWAP as the moving average against the RSI.
So let's just jump right in and get started.
go ahead and open your chart and tradingview
Search fo rCSC-HARSI, or "Coffeeshopcrypto"
Add the indicator to your chart and keep the default settings
open the settings wheel and go to the inputs tab
scroll down to RSI moving average settings and change the ma type to vwap.
Okay that's it you're ready to go and now let's talk about the rules for a long and short trade.
As you do with any chart and any day that you're going to start your trading the first thing you do is you set up your support and resistance level. Personally I do this on a 4-Hour chart. I recommend setting your support and resistance levels initially when you open your chart on a time frame 1 to 2 * above the one you're using.
for example I do my trading on a 1 hour chart so my support and resistance levels are usually set on a 4-Hour chart
Lucky for you the indicator tells you where those things are however you may want to set up your extreme levels as well. You can do that by looking at extreme points of swinging price on your chart and just put a level they're at the top and another at the bottom.
Before we get started let me discuss something very briefly with you about the level of the Stochastic in the indicator. The scale on the right side of the indicator is mainly designed for the stochastic to tell you how hard things are pressing on the gas. In other words if the stochastic is anywhere from zero to 50 There is almost no movement on price. However, once the stochastic is doing anything above the 50 all the way to the 100, the closer it is to 100 the more Force there is in the market. you have to remember that the Stochastic RSI was designed to be a faster RSI.
So if the stochastic is green "Bullish" and moving upwards over 70 there is A LOT of force to the upside..
If it is RED "Bearish" and it's under 50 there is a lot of force to the downside. The closer it is to ZERO the more force there is.
The strategy that I used to enter and exit using this indicator falls under these particular rules:
1. The stochastic must be in a downtrend.
2. the RSI must be below its moving average.
3. The RSI must be below 50
4. Heikin Ashi candles must be red.
5. The Heikin Ashi candle must open above the moving average and close below the moving average.
6. The most optimal move is when the candle opens above the 60 and closes below the 60 while crossing the moving average.
An alternative to rule six is; If your candle opens above the 50 and above the moving average but close is below both of them at the same time this is also an entry.
Now obviously the rules for getting into long positions are exactly the opposite.
First things first, always take a look at your support and resistance levels that you set up ahead of time.
The second thing is to check your moving averages.
I commonly use a 50 and a 100. Exponential moving average.
If you are using scalping time frames which are anything from the 30 minute and Below then I would suggest using a 20 period Moving average and a 50 period Moving average.
1. The stochastic must be in an uptrend.
2. the RSI must be above its moving average.
3. The RSI must be above 50
4. Heikin Ashi candles must be green.
5. The Heikin Ashi candle must open below the moving average and close above the moving average.
6. The most optimal move is when the candle opens below the 40 and closes above the 40 while crossing the moving average.
7. Alternate to rule six is; If your candle opens below the 50 and above the moving average but close is above both of them at the same time this is also an entry.
Using S/R levels to draw trend lines (and) the CSC-HARSI UpdateWelcome back to the coffee shop everybody. This is just a quick update to the csc-HARSI indicator, And a video to show you how you can use its indications to draw your trend lines so you know when your price or trend is broken. So if you already have the csc-HARSI on your charts go ahead and delete it from your chart and then go through tradingview indicators and look for coffee shop crypto or the CSC-HARSI 2022.
Okay okay you talked me into it here's a link.
This is key to know when you are not only breaking your support and resistance levels with price but when price also breaks your trend lines which is a secondary confirmation.
Add to that you can see when price will actually retrace and come back and test off of your trend line. Which is a problem that many Traders have because price actually pulls back to their support or resistance level right through it slightly and put them into fear make them get out of their trailer early thinking that price is going the other way but it's actually tracing back to a trend line that is behind your support or resistance level.
This update in the CSC-HARSI comes because I was working on something in the Heiken Ashi Algo and decided to take a piece of the code that I just came up with and put it into the CSC- HARSI so you can use it now instead of waiting for the ALGO to be ready.
Take a look at the video and let me know if you have any questions whatsoever.
Also in this video I got a little carried away showing you my double sarcastic strategy based off the regular stochastic RSI and a stochastic which I have created. Both of the stochastics will be available in the Heiken Ashi Algo. It will not only tell you that price is moving in a particular direction but it will also tell you as soon as the momentum of that direction is diminishing so you can get out before getting caught in a trap or in a range.
Knowing what to look for in this double stochastic strategy will also help you avoid getting into a bullish or bearish move that looks like the market is moving in a particular direction when it's actually moving into a liquidity trap.
Don't bother going online looking for this particular double stuck hectic strategy or indicator because it doesn't exist. The only reason it doesn't exist is because again it's using a secondary stochastic which I have created Which will only be available in the Heiken Ashi Algo Oscillator.
Another Test of Awesome Oscillator - This time on 5 min chartLet's see if the divergence between awesome oscillator and price chart works on 5minutes charts and counter-trend.
CSC-HARSI UPdate: Bull Rejection / Bear RejectionWhat's new in this indicator
Support and resistance levels have been re-coded to give you a cleaner visualization.
as always when you see a support indication you set the support level at the close of the candle. if they cancel this red you place it at the bottom.
If the candle is green you place it at the top.
You always place the S/R level at the close of the candle.
Two other indications added to the script are called, Bull Rejection and Bear Rejection.
--Bull rejection shows up when there's a bullish rally and then there's enough resistance to stop that upward move.
--Bear rejection is when there's a bearish move and there is enough resistance to stop that downward move.
If you get a resistance indication followed by a bullish rejection indication you should exit your trade. Because it's showing you resistance at that level and enough pushing back down.
If you get a support indication followed by a bearish rejection you should exit that short trade because it's showing you there is support at that level and enough force pushing to the upside.
The Heiken Ashi Algo Oscillator (Range Trading technique)You're watching this video because you keep getting stop-hunted. You feel like every time you enter a trade to the market it immediately goes the other way and you get this little spike out the top or the bottom of a candle that knocks you out of your position and takes out your stop loss. This is most likely due to Market manipulation on your charts which is making you think that price is moving up or down and instead you have just entered a trade at the beginning of the consolidation or distribution phase. Don't worry you're not alone this happens to a lot of novice and intermediate Traders. I really wish there was an indicator that would tell you as soon as you have entered into a ranging Market but usually you can't tell that until you've looked at your charts for a couple of hours and realize that price hasn't moved above or below a certain number.
Well you're in luck because I just finished coating an indicator that will tell you that you have entered into a consolidation or distribution phase at the beginning.
In today's video I'm going to show you how to do range trading using the Heiken Ashi Algo Oscillator available for free on Tradingview.
Usually after price makes a big rally to the upside or to the downside you can expect that price is going to go into either consolidation or a distribution phase.
On your charts this will look like where price runs flat for what could be an extended period of time. The rule of thumb is that after a very strong move to the upside or downside the consolidation period can be lengthy. If there is a short rally to the upside or downside then the consolidation or distribution phase would be a short period of time.
So lets get into adding the indicator, and setting up your chart to trade in ranges using alerts from the Heiken Ashi Algo Oscillator.
Open up TradingView
Go to your indicators tab and search for Heiken Ashi Algo Oscillator and add it to your chart.
In the settings make sure you've turned on the following:
Range Break Long
Range Break Short
Support Levels
Resistance Level
There are a number of other alerts available in the Oscillator but we don't need them for this purpose. And as always, use the default settings.
When you get a RANGE signal (Which looks like a line between two left and right arrows.) You want to grab your Parallel Channel Tool.
You should have already set your support and resistance levels when you opened your chart for the day so look left of your candle. There should be a support or resistance alert right there. On my chart I have a Resistance level.
So I'm going to use this line at the top of my parallel Channel
Take your parallel channel tool And place it on that support resistance level just left of the candle .
I'll drive it far to the right and make sure it's straight and click again.
now drag it down to the closest support level and click again.
You have just drawn your range.
Also on my chart you can see here that I have 1 range indication and then just after it I have a second range indication. When you get a second one you disregard the first one because price has now entered into a new range.
What you are looking at is the Centerline of your range. In this particular instance the first Range Line is lower than the second one so to correct this I have to take the top of my parallel Channel and drag it up until the dotted line is at the close of the candle with the new Range signal. do this by driving the top of the box and not changing the bottom of a box. In this case you can see how the bottom of the parallel channel is still sitting on my support and resistance level to the bottom but the top of the parallel Channel is above my support and resistance level And this is fine.
The way you use this is by imagining your parallel channel has three levels.
Level 1 = The top line
Level 2 = The midline
Level 3 = The bottom.
Also you must respect any Support and Resistance levels traveling THROUGH the Parallel Channel
What you are looking for is any candle that closes its majority size across one of these lines here are some examples:
Please watch the video for a perfect visualization of how to do this.
Directions of Trades in Range Trading. Follow the arrows.
You ONLY trade to the INSIDE from the top or bottom of the channel.
You also trade either up or down FROM the midline, depending on the majority close of the candle.
Again also respect your support or resistance levels when a candle is crossing them.
Unfi Short Scalp using CVD to confirm the trade - 84.86% profit BINANCE:UNFIUSDT BYBIT:UNFIUSDT COINBASE:UNFIUSD
Educational post on CVD or Cumulative Volume Delta and how I use it to confirm scalps and swing trades
Unfi Short Scalp using CVD to confirm the trade - 84.86% profit in 30 minutes!
Delta only shows us market orders. NB!!!
Bearish CVD: (used in this trade)
Price making LH but CVD making HH. People are aggressively market buying, but highs in price can’t be taken out. Bigger limit order trader has absorbed price
Bullish CVD:
More people market shorting (CVD) but Price forms HL. CVD makes LL.
if price making HL and more people market shorting, then a bigger trader or traders has come in with a limit order and absorbed the market shorts
Both leads to trapped traders and you can expect a decent follow through.
Not Financial Advice. DYOR. Papertrade before trading with real money.
Hope you have a profitable trading day!
CSC-HARSI with Buy SEll alerts and (Name the next one)Welcome, welcome.
In today's video I have some way for you all to get involved in a little bit of the development of this indicator. As you read below you'll be able to do me a favor and leave your comments the topic at the bottom where you can name the next indicator tied to the CSC-HARSI 2022.
So what would you call it?
Read on......
Once again we've returned to the coffee shop and I have a bit of an i-told-you-so video. Sorry this video goes on a lot longer than I thought it would but I had to bring up a few points and I got a little excited telling you guys about some of the new indications and alerts on the CSC-HARSI 2022.
The next update will include indications and alerts that tell you when you have entered into a range when you have broken up out of a range when you have a range break down it will also include buy and sell indications as well as when you should exit your long trade or exit your short trade.
All that being said you shouldn't use this tool as the be-all end-all for your entries and exits because you will still need to understand a little bit something about price action. While the indicator itself will work very well at telling you when to get in and out of Trades whether you're long or short the combined indicator of the mass effect moving average will help you understand when the trade you're about to enter into before a long for example is a price manipulation and at which point you don't want to get into that trade so I'm doing my best to get you that information and give you that indicator as well but it's going to be a little time before that Mass Effect moving average is complete.
However on today's idea about the CSC-HARSI 2022, I wanted to drop a quick video and tell you about some of the upcoming changes so that you guys can come back and give you some ideas and comments below about anything that you're looking for or if you have any guidance on when and how things should be clearly defined in the layout.
The reason I bring up these particular points is because after this particular update I will not be updating it unless I need to keep it current to Pine script coding. I simply don't want to over code this indicator was too many alerts and indications and plots and images and stuff like that this should work on this next release well enough on its own while though I do have another idea for another script which you can use along with the CSE hard see if you want and end up having both of them in the bottom of your panel if you like but that 12 is going to take at least a few weeks ago.
Since it will be working as a brother to the CSC-HARSI 2022, I'd like to hear back from you guys on what I should name it.
CSC-HARSI with Alerts for GO long or Short and when to BUYWelcome to the coffee shop everybody I am highly highly highly excited about the new developments taking place with the CoffeeShop Crypto HARSI 2022
Don't let the name of the indicator fool you it can be used on more than just crypto you can use it on all markets or any markets that you choose to use it on.
As you know the indicator was released sometime ago and I really want to give a big thank you to all the people who come through Boost the script as well as use it on their charts it's really nice to see you guys doing that and I want to let you know that I get information I get indications of that taking place and I do make sure to follow you because I want to know what it is that you're up to and I want you to see what I'm up to.
okay now that we're done with the introductions and all the salutations and make you feel good about yourselfes let's get into what's happening with the CSC-HARSI.
Make sure to take a look at the attached video above because you're going to see and hear me discussing the new implementation of 2 types of alerts and indications that show up on the indicator itself.
One indication is when it is going to be telling you to Bi-Lo another indication is going to be when it tells you to go long. That is related to people who want to go bullet in the market and Buy Low sell High. "Bi-Lo" Means that the trend is about to reverse or that if you're in a ranging Market you can buy at this very low price. Shortly after that you'll end up getting another indication saying "Go long". This means that you've already bought at the lowest possible price in a safe place and now when it says go long you can set your trade and take profit levels. So "Buy Lo" does not mean enter into the market and set your take profit it simply means that you buy shares at a low price.
The other indications that will show up will be simply the reverse of that. One would say "Buy Hi" which means you just accumulate shares or coins or what have you so that you can short them later on. A little while after that you'll get another Indication that says "go Short". This means that you've already accumulated shares at a high value and now you're going to "short" them.
In the attached video you'll be able to see how to use the coffee shop crypto and when and how do you use these two separate alerts for example "Bi-Lo" and "Go-Long" or "Buy-Hi" and "Go-Short"
As of the recording of this video in the publication of this idea do not look for the information related to that in the coffee shop crypto heart see this is simply an idea to let you know what's coming up next.
So in the meantime go ahead add to your favorites from this link
and add it to your chart and when I published the new version of the code which will be with somewhere in the next 24 hours I hope you'll get an indication from tradingview and it'll say hey has been an update to this script go and get the new one. At which point you would simply delete the coffee shop crypto from your trading chart, then you would end up going to the Community Scripts and typing in CoffeeShop Crypto 2022 And re-add it to your chart.
So again make sure you watch the video that's attached and if you have any questions go ahead and drop them below if you just simply excited about it go ahead link a comment about that below as well.
Setting Support and resistance levels using the CSC-HARSI 2022Watch the video to get FULL details and listen to some commentary. Always feel free to ask questions below. I love talking with you guys.
Here is how we do it:
Set your RSI and VWAP as its Moving average in the CSC-HARSI
The lower the RSI setting, the more S/R levels you'll find.
So don't set your RSI to a low setting on a large timeframe chart. For example: Dont set your RSI to 9 on a 1hr chart.
Commonly I trade off of breaks of the 50 period EMA on my chart so i set my RSI to 50 and my chart to 1hr.
1. Setup your RSI to a 50 period length with source as CLOSE
2. RSI MA Settings: Set this to the VWAP (NOTE you can not change the RSI MA length if you set it for VWAP as it is now LOCKED to the RSI length)
3. Look for places on your CSC HARSI where the RSI and VWAP close at exactly the same level.
4. The close must results in a crossover and NOT a bounce.
5. If the Heiken Ashi close was a bullish candle, you mark a horizontal line on your chart ABOVE the candle
5a. If the Heiken Ashi close was a bearish candle, you mark a horizontal line on your chart BELOW the candle.
The worst trading strategy for HARSI or any other indicator.**Not gonna lie. This is a 20+ minute video because I almost lost it, and I went on a RANT! The way I see people just blindly accepting and using ridiculous strategies on indicators is just awful.**
I have come across countless TV, YouTube, and other online sourced videos filled with misinformation, and I will make it part of my mission to call out these ridiculous strategies.
I just cant sit idlily by while you guys blow your accounts away making bad trades off of horrible information, based from someone who obviously is NOT a real day trader.
With that, in todays video, with my brain on fire and my mouth being held back, I am going to cover the strategy I keep seeing here on YouTube.
Its one that people claim "The developer told them to use."
The strategy is for the original #HARSI (#heikenashi #harsi )
I'm here to tell you, that i have spoken with the original developer a number of times and NOT ONCE did they say this strategy is theirs or that they use it.
I'm also going to give you a very quick run through of a proper way to use the new version of the HARSI called the #CSCHARSI or (#coffeshop #Crypto #HARSI )
Download the indicator here:
My Tradingview Profile:
PEOPLEUSDT possible bounce in the golden pocket BYBIT:PEOPLEUSDT
Following up from my previous technical analysis on PEOPLEUSDT ,
We possibly have a bounce happening in the Fib Golden pocket and we have bullish divergence on awesome oscillator and Cipher B
PEOPLE has been volatile over the last few days, so think about your entries and TP's.
Possible TP areas - Top of the channel forming, daily levels above on my chart or the POC. Feel free to chart the same levels on your chart.
See the video for details.
if this idea helped you, please give a thumbs up and feel free to follow for more ideas and trade setups
Not Financial advise. DYOR. Papertrade before using real money
$AAVE reached a 10% increase....but so whatGot word today that $AAVE was trading 10% higher than reflected of recent low.
Well DUH! THats why its called a "LOW". WHy not talk about it when it reached 2% or 7%? The problem i had with this editorial i read through was they completely failed to mention the almost 200% decrease in price. Half of which took place in just the last 10 days.
I mean if youre going to talk about a 10 percent increase in the price to wet the mouths of people in the $AAVE #Community, then at least tell them the FULL story.
So with that, Im here to tell you the full story AND give you some advice, as well as place a quick trade WHILE recording the video.
ALGO/BTC (Algorand) Chart Showing Promise on a Logarithmic ScaleBINANCE:ALGOBTC has found support on the 0.5 Fib line and a rising trend line on the logarithmic scale. In this chart, I argue why these two signals are not strong enough and conclude that we should wait longer for a trade setup to emerge.
You can follow this chart here .
I hope you learn something from this video and if you like it, then please leave a like.
If you have questions, then please leave a comment.
Thank you.