RAMBLIN' RACCOON: Chart Reviews/Charting Out LoudSorry, this video was a bit rushed, I am on a time crunch.
I basically go over a couple charts in the beginning, multiple tangents, and then at the end some charting out loud on the 2 hr timeframe.
Takeaway, we broke a falling channel, and are potentially in a large rising channel.
Will make more videos today when IRL is less busy.
Hope some of this was helpful, cya!
MORNING CHART REVIEWS: BTCThis video just goes over my old chart that became invalidated due to my own negligence.
Biggest takeaway from this video is the large descending channel, potential wedge, and potential bullish divergence.
I will make another video today if things make some big moves.
And, I will be making a video soon to go over my daily and weekly charts as they should have their own vids because there is a lot to go over.
CHART REVIEWS: BTC: 1hr, 2hr, 4hr, Daily, WeeklyThis video goes over the charts that I made earlier today, as well as the charts that failed from last night.
I go over multiple timeframes pointing out channels, wedges, fibs, divergences, clouds, MA ribbons, right-side indicators, and I forget what else.
The takeaway? I am still buliish overall because of the weekly chart as well as some stuff on the daily. Holding those 786 levels on the daily is key to keep this going.
Hope this helps!
Another push from the bulls? Caution: Sellers lurking above!DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
CHART REVIEWS: All the Timeframes!I didnt have internet all day!
My ISP finally got it up and running, and so, let the ramblin' begin!
In this video I go over my div n fib charts on the 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 4 hr, 8 hr, Daily, and Weekly.
We basically start zoomed out on the 8hr, zoom out to the daily and weekly, and then zoom in to the 4 hr, 1 hr, 30 min, and 15 min.
Takeaway: We are watching a rising channel and wedge.
“How To” Video Overview of Indicator “CM_MACD_Ult_MTF_V2”Hello TradingView!!!
-Video Posted on 07-28-2021-
This video is a detailed video overview of the CM MACD Custom Indicator - Multiple Time Frame - V2 Release.
I will post the link to the Indicator within a few minutes after this video goes live on TradingView either in the Link to Related Ideas below, or I'll post a comment below with the link.
Thanks for you patience.
I'm so excited to be back. Please Post and feature requests for this indicator below.
The bend at the end? Don't write off bulls too soon...!DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming?DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
CHART REVIEWS: Fun With Divergences!I made this video because I was bored and enough stuff happened today to actually have something to talk about.
Our 1hr and 4hr charts are still valid and in play, so were just sitting and watching.
Second half of the video is playing around with divergences on the 30 minute chart and making some sill speculative predictions.
CHARTS! Reviews Multiple Timeframes 7/27/21This video goes over the charts I am watching on multiple timeframes.
30 min, 1hr, multi hours, daily, and multiday.
Biggest takeaway is the 30 min wedge and the 1 hr rising channel that I am watching as well as the fibs and divergences.
Note: I did not do any volume profile stuff, nor did I go over any of my side-panel indicators. Maybe later...
CHART REVIEWS: Old and New Charts for BTCThis video is just me going over the old chart that has finished, and the older 12hr chart that is still ongoing.
I then go over the new chart I created as well as some divergences on the 1hr timeframe.
Sadly, the charting out loud video did not upload, so all we get is a review.
Big takeaway? Rising channels and new fibs to observer.
The RSI explained ! how to identify buy and sell signals Hello everyone , as we all know the market action discounts everything :) I have created this short video to explain what is the RSI and how to use it to identify buy and sell signals with this oscillator , everything you need to know about this indicator is right here.
Its been around since the late 70s so its probably one of the more established oscillators out there .
So lets check out the formula and how the RSI works :
RS=100 -100/1-RS
RS (relative strength) average X day up / average X day down
So simply lets say we are using a 10 days average so we check how many days the price closed up and we add them and we divide by 10 which would give us the average X days up.
And we do the same for the average X days down but we calculate how many days the price closed down and then we add them and divide by 10 ,And after all of that has been calculated we will always get a value between 0% and 100%
And that's why the RSI is considered a bounded oscillator it means that the value will always be between 0 % and 100%
The oscillator has 2 major zones which are the overbought and oversold zones. Anything above 70% is considered overbought and anything below 30% the market considered oversold .
So when the market reaches overbought zone it tells us that the market has gone up to far and its due a bounce back down , and the same when it reaches oversold zone it means that the market has gone to far down and its due a bounce back up.
So looking to buy or sell when the market reaches oversold and overbought is one strategy .
But because the market moves a lot and reaches these levels so much this way is not as reliable that much , the better way to use the RSI is to check if it has a divergence with the market price.
what is a divergence you may ask !!!
A Divergence is when the price of the market is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
These signals of divergences doesn’t happen that often but they do give us a better way to use the RSI .
And there is it that’s everything you need to know about the RSI and how it works it’s a really simple oscillator and its one of the most popular oscillators used by technical analysts.
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Thank you for reading & watching .
Bulls need to hold up 31k!DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
Making the push...DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
Have the bulls just shown up?DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
BTC - One more low to go! Sell that optimism!DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
BTC - Say goodnight?DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
Breakout coming soon? Chaikin might have something to say...DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
Do or Die time for BTC Bulls... And... Bullish optimism on alts?DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
Can the Bulls hold up range-bottom again?DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
Bears getting a tighter grip? Bulls can still push but...DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!
3D Trading?! | Bulls making a push! Lot's of work still to do...DISCLAIMER: Trading Forex/Cryptocurrency involves risk and you may lose more money than you started with! These posts are not to be taken as financial advice and I offer NO guarantee that any of these ideas will result in profit. Also, trade ideas may change, depending on ever-changing market conditions. You are trading at your own risk and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Please, know how much you are willing to risk on EVERY trade that you take and be SMART!
Simplify your trading. Always measure your risk and be okay with being wrong ; ) Wait patiently and get the price that you want. Use the market. Don't let the market use you!