TONUSDT Telegram CEO Du Rove announced that Telegram will launch a "Gift" feature where gift recipients can choose to display it on their profile or sell it in exchange for "Stars". Some gifts will be in limited supply, and Telegram will support converting these gifts into TON-based NFTs later this year.
TONUSDT The TON official said that the TON blockchain will face a large-scale load test starting at 10:00 (UTC) on September 26. The Hamster Kombat will mint tokens on the blockchain and has more than 100 million monthly active users. Previously, the issuance of DOGS caused the TON blockchain to be down for a long time.
BTCUSDT Hamster Kombat, the largest mini-game on TON, will be launched on Binance on September 26. Hamster has 300 million total accounts, 32 million daily active accounts, 82 million monthly active accounts, and more than 55 million bound wallets. Three-quarters of HMSTR tokens were allocated for airdrops, with 60% of the total tokens airdropped at launch. The current OTC price of HMSTR is around $0.01. With 64.375% of the initial circulation, the circulating market value is $643 million