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Ethereum / Bitcoin forum

ETHUSD Looks like a bottom is in on the daily chart. Bought some more. ETHBTC starts to look bottom (ish) too from my point of view. Give some bullish and bearish news ETHBTC

ETHBTC This ratio is garbage. At this rate ETH will hit $4000 when BTC hits $200,000. 👎

ETHUSDT Bybit CEO BEN said in yesterday's Space that the last rollback was due to the theft of 30% of ETH. Although the amount this time is large, it only accounts for about 0.3% to 0.4%, so Ethereum may not consider rolling back. However, Bybit is also trying to contact Vitalik to see what advice he can give us


ETHUSDT Bybit: We detected unauthorized activity involving one of our ETH cold wallets. The incident occurred when our ETH multisig cold wallet executed a transfer to our warm wallet. Unfortunately, this transaction was manipulated through a sophisticated attack that masked the signing interface, displaying the correct address while altering the underlying smart contract logic. As a result, the attacker was able to gain control of the affected ETH cold wallet and transfer its holdings to an unidentified address. We want to assure our users and partners that all other Bybit cold wallets remain fully secure. All client funds are safe, and our operations continue as usual without any disruption


ETHBTC ETHUSD this cycle could 100% be different. But March is usually a good time to be holding ETH.

ETHBTC bullish on ETH at 0.08, bearish sub 0.03... Makes sense...