ETHUSDBTCUSD 12hrs before the trump reserve announcement someone bought 200mil in btc and ethereum 50x lev . if the market moved 2% down the account wouldve been wiped out
ETHUSD trump should be impeached for this obvious market manipulation. Yall wanted to impeach joe/hunter biden over a 4K car loan to his brother but this pump n dump scheme is ok?
What a day we had yesterday all green after the announcement by you know who, and what a day we have today all rug pulls red numbers, BOY! You know what's the funny part about all this; how the moonboi's were giving advice all day yesterday when it was in the green and going up are suddenly silent as a mouse.
Advice like don't blame others if you get rugged pulled blame yourself, even tho people tried their hardest to warn others, mostly the noobies in trading, not to fall for the scam, yet the moonbois and their toxic ways at bad advice roped in alot of buyers to be rugged - AGAIN!
The moonies were praying it won't crash saying it's just a retrace it'll go back up, and woopsi there it is - it crashed and at -8,000.% changed good how BTC lost 5k more than it did the day before, googaly moogaly.
Guess all those bears warning folks this was a rug pull was right huh lol
But this message is for those new to trading, looking for the right answers but finding the wrong people aka Moonbois who don't understand rug pulls and just want you to buy in to make them rich.
You have plenty of traders with the right advice to choose from, but never follow advice from just anyone; know the difference of whose advice you should take vs who's full of baloney😏