EagleEyeStrategyJun 23, 2023XAUUSD GD1! GOLDM1! XAUUSD1! QO1! Idea: Gold's Next Big Opportunity: 1…We completed the target of 1920, now, I will start a new target, it is 1860, 1820-1930, of course, this is a big deal, there are small deals in between, I will provide them to my partners
EagleEyeStrategyMar 26, 2023XAUUSD GC1! GOLD1! GD1! QO1! tradingview.com/x/nmntQxSq/On Monday, pay attention to the resistance near 1983 and the support near 1969. When the support of 1969 is broken, gold is likely to fall to around 1950. I will release a real-time trading strategy in the group. Welcome to join