Shiba Inu

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Shiba Inu forum

SHIBUSD we are going to $1 but not in this cycle

SHIBUSD regardless of devs liquidating the ecosystem with other stupid tokens, Shib will continue to thrive. Buy Shib only!!!

SHIBUSD shib for next six months is better than HBAR and DOGE after that we can switch. HBAR can be had for 0.06 after it fails ath

SHIBUSD Serious question for the SHIB Army: How can anyone realistically expect Shiba Inu to pump again after what happened in 2021? The developers sending half the supply to Vitalik Buterin was a reckless move, and his decision to burn and donate it turned into a total mess. That move wrecked trust and made SHIB look like a joke. With that kind of stunt in its history, how is Shiba Inu supposed to gain back any credibility or respect in the market? Curious to hear your thoughts. The Indian covid relief non-profit organization still holds a large sum of shib tokens waiting to siphon the money out of the shiba market. Its no manipulation but still free tokens cashing out REAL HARD EARNED CASH.

SHIBUSD check my page if we get sideways squeeze, this will flip doge

SHIBUSD Whomever writes the articles at U-Today are idiots so if you read them at all you need to understand that. It has been ridiculous FUD for a while with deliberate misrepresentation of the levels that only take the most simple and infantile view of the chart/indicators.

This is especially egregious when the ENTIRE market is being deliberately pushed down for the benefit of the mega rich to get what WE have held, so they can save a few bucks off OUR backs by shaking out our profits or potential future profits. If things were truly bearish then retail would have capitulated earlier and with a stronger single downward push.

That is clearly not what happened which is why this has taken so long: drag it out until they get what they want which was for whales to buy-in, again, at the levels we were at last year end of summer.

Think about how evil those fuckers are for that for a second or two and use that fuel to say "Uh no thanks, fuck you very much!" and do not let go of anything on the way up either. They could not just be happy shorting at max leverage but they also want OUR crypto without paying more than we did for it.

If it was that easy to get things down this wouldn't have taken three months or been so aggressive on pushes down when recovery was absolutely imminent at any time, and the proof of that is in the charts of pretty much everything with a chart that's a year old minimum.

That said, still take some% profits if only to buy more again later. Little steps of buy/sell/buy over time is all it takes, and in the last five years more often than not doing nothing is the best move. Especially in crypto. If you bought Shiba last August you'd have been breaking even just the past couple of days. If you only bought last end Feb to early March you'd still be more than 100% in profit.

Think about that for a minute or two. You might be down what you added in but it will recover no matter what some perma bear says.

If the notifications trigger you then turn that shit off because it's working against you. I have to do that myself sometimes.

I'm not leaving any of my positions. Especially Shiba. It only takes one catalyst. That's it. You can bet that it is coming too. Sooner rather than later. Remember what happened to aggressive shorts in late 2020 and through 2021: they got perma smoked. They always think they know better and can control everything and they're always wrong long term.

Show them how wrong they are.
