Alpha Performance of PeriodAlpha Performance of Period (PoP) produces a visualization of returns (gains and losses) over a quarterly, monthly, or annual period. It also displays the total % gain and loss over any length of days, months, and years as defined by the user.
Performance of Period (PoP) can be used to understand the performance of an asset over multiple periods using a single chart layout, and to compare the performance of different assets by using a multi-chart layout.
This can, for example, be used to compare the NASDAQ, S&P, and DJI over the past 20 years to create a dow vs. nasdaq vs. s&p performance chart. This can help you understand a comparison of historical returns by showing which performs the best month-over-month, quarter-to-quarter, year-to-year, throughout any custom period of days/months/years.
The ability to get a visualization of the % gain/loss can help to better understand how markets have performed over time and which markets have historically performed the best.
Check out the up and coming Educational Idea we will be releasing soon after this is live to see an example of how we use this tool.
Current Period Label
Current Period : This label shows the current period's performance only when you hover over it.
(This label is located to the left of the current period's open candle and at the current candles close price)
TICKER "Time Period" Performance Label
Total Period Gain : The total of all % gain periods from the start to end date.
Largest Period Gain : The biggest % gain period from the start to end date.
Total Period Loss : The total of all % loss periods from the start to end date.
Largest Period Loss : The biggest % loss period from the start to end date.
Total period Performance : The total % performance, the difference between the total gain and total loss.
NOTE : The "Current Period" performance is excluded from ALL five of the above-mentioned figures. This was done to avoid giving inaccurate comparison figures due to the period not being finished yet.
Current Script Version + Info : A drop-down list of instructions for the user to refer to.
Dark Mode Labels : Toggle on for Dark Mode. This is done since Labels text and background color can not be adjusted separately within the visual inputs so this is the best fit solution.
Time Period of Returns : Pick the period of performance you would like to emulate monthly/quarterly/annual.
Start Date : The day to start tracking performance.
Start Month : The month to start tracking performance.
Start Year : The year to start tracking performance.
End Date : The day to stop tracking performance.
End Month : The month to stop tracking performance.
End Year : The year to stop tracking performance.
As always if you have any feedback let us know in the comments and leave a like if you enjoy this tool :)
Breadth Indicators
MMP Indicator 4-step WeeklyFading levels using martingale (limit orders, rebate venue) with no stop-loss orders, long the wings at the end of Support and Resist levels from prior week Friday right before the close. Re-hedge the order book units when there is a breakout.
Japan RT Ratio(TSE: J-Reit & TOPIX Ratio)
This script, RT Ratio shows the ratio between J-REIT(TSE:REIT) and TOPIX(TSE:TOPIX).
J-REIT tends to be higher than TOPIX, over 1.0.
When J-REIT is lower than TOPIX, below 1.0, J-REIT may be over sold.
RT Ratio < 1.0 : J-REIT over sold, a good chance to buy J-REIT.
RT Ratio > 1.4-1.5 : Over bought, J-REIT may be too high.
Notice: RT Ratio is for a long term trading of J-REIT, not for a short term trading.
RT倍率 < 1.0: Jリートが売られすぎ
RT倍率 > 1.4~1.5: Jリートが買われすぎ
ファイナンシャルスターさんの記事(『RT倍率(REIT/TOPIX倍率)を開発しました / 1倍割れは投資のチャンス』)を参考にして、Tradingview用のインジケーターを作ってみました。
[RS]Detrended Percent Price Over Average on RangeExperimental:
Detrended Price oscillator from price against the average inside the range.
StonkBTC - autoswitch secondary series for scalpersSince the drop in March of 2020, the U.S. ETF , SPY, has been correlated with bitcoin's moves, especially during the NY session.
This tool is meant to help traders who want to take advantage of that without having to switch the secondary series between BTCUSD and (generally) SPY when changing the ticker they are viewing.
How this works:
The indicator will automatically switch between bitcoin or equity index depending on what ticker your current chart is. Ideally this tool would be very simple to use.
Show/hide a 'track price' line
Index choice of SP500, Nasdaq 100, and Russell 2000. Further selection by ETF, futures, and CFD
Varied bitcoin price sources
You will need a separate subscription to TradingView to view realtime CME futures data (if not, it will be delayed by 10 minutes). Because of this, the default option chosen is the CFD for the most complete chart when viewing bitcoin.
NY Core Trading Session: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET
Volume with SD+2Volume with SD+2
Volume with SMA20 and Standard Deviation +2
If Volume < SMA20 , mean Volume Low and less momentum.
If Volume > SMA20 and < SD2 , mean Volume Increase and more momentum.
If Volume > SD2 , mean Volume Climax , show strong trend but show reversal point in someitmes.
Support Resistance MTFHello Traders,
This is Support Resistance script that uses Multi Time Frame. While getting Close/Open/High/Low values of Higher Time Frames the script does NOT use Security function , instead it calculates them.
while choosing Higher Time Frame, you can use "Auto" option so it uses predefined Higher Time Frames, or you can choose the Higher Time Frame Manually from the list. options for HTF => 15mins, 30mins, 60mins, 120mins, 180mins, 240mins, 720mins, Day, Week, 2 Weeks, Months, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months.
You have option to use High/Low or Close/Open values while calculating support resistance levels.
"Period for Highest/Lowest Bars" option is used as loopback period to check if it's Highest/lowest bars. smaller numbers = more sensitive result.
You have option for transparency and coloring of support/resistance levels/zone => Red, Lime, Blue, White, Black, Olive, Gray
An example for 15 min chart, 4hours selected as HTF
You can set transparency and colors as you wish:
You can choose Close/Open prices while calculating S/R levels instead of High/Low
Crypto Margin Trading ConsensusThis is an indicator of the consensus of traders in the crypto market. It examines the number of short and long positions on several currencies (BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, XMR, EOS and others) on each bar.
Sometimes traders are in consensus and they are right (enter long and the currencies rise, or enter the short and the currencies decrease) other times, although they are in consensus, it can happen that the market behaves exactly the opposite. Some signals are good, some are not (as with any other indicator, unfortunately).
Because it uses data about multiple currencies, it is a market breadth indicator - it does not refer to One currency, but to several important currencies in the crypto market, simultaneously (calculates based on information about several currencies). That's why it loads SLOWLY - it can take up to 60 seconds to appear.
If a multi-currency trader bar goes LONG (meaning they agree that it should be long), it displays a green upward-facing arrow, otherwise, if there is a consensus that it should be short, it displays a downward arrow.
I hope it will be of some use to you
ICT Sessions [Killzones]This indicator was initially Created by @BryceWH.
Modification by @leonsholo
The indicator uses New York Time
I modified it to match my own criteria which includes:
- I adjusted the time zones.
- Added tags to the settings to make it easy to know which kill zones you are toggling on or off.
- Added the Asia session
- Added the London Close session
How The Indicator Works
Plots the Asia, London, New York and London Close Kill zone as overlay boxes using current daily high / lows.
Marked ranges will move as days range / high and low widens.
Middle fills can be turned on and off.
Colours can be changed to match your preference.
Created this indicator because I didn't like highlighting the whole chart background as seen in other ICT Kill zone indicators on trading view and wanted something visually clearer.
Boxes height can be changed. Positive number puts the box outside current days high and low, negative number puts box inside current days high and low.
" Adapted from Chris Moody's original indicator HLOC" - BryceWH
Consolidation Zones - LiveHello Traders!
This is the script that finds Consolidation Zones in Realtime.
How it works?
- The script finds highest/lowest bars by using "Loopback Period"
- Then it calculates direction
- By using the direction and highest/lowest bar info it calculates consolidation zones in realtime
- If the length of consolidation area is equal/greater than user-defined min length then this area is shown as consolidation zone
- Then Consolidation Zone extends automatically if there is no breakout
if you increase the Loopback Length then you get bigger consolidation zones:
You have option to "Paint Consolidation Area" or not:
VWAP Bands Team AustraliaThis indicator add 6 configurable vwap bands for each side of the vwap price.
Black-Scholes Model for American OptionsThis model uses Black's Approximation to price American Options. Black's Approximation is an extension of the traditional Black-Scholes model that allows the price of American Options to be approximated within the Black-Scholes Framework. This is necessary because the traditional Black-Scholes model only works on options that are exercised at expiry, not before; like American Options can be.
Black's Approximation approximates the value of an American option by:
1st. Calculating the theoretical price of a european call or put based on the strike price (K), spot price (S), annual return (sigma), time until expiry (T), times until the next 2 ex-dividend dates (t1 & t2), and the dividend paid out at times t1 and t2 (D1 and D2).
2nd. The theoretical price of an option expiring on the second ex-dividend date (t2) is calculated. This replicates exercising the option early.
3rd. Finally, the highest price of the two theoretical prices calculated in steps 1 & 2 is chosen as the approximated price.
How to use this:
1st. Input your strike price.
2nd. Input the risk-free-rate of the currency the option is based in.
3rd. Input the dividend yield for the next ex-dividend date. For example AAPL's dividend yield is 0.82 and will be paid out on August 7,2020.
4th. Input the time until the next ex-dividend date. For example AAPL's next ex-dividend date is August 7,2020, which is 61 days away. So you'd input 61 (this includes weekends and holidays).
5th. Input the dividend yield for the ex-dividend date after the next one. For example AAPL's dividend yield after the next one is 0.82 and will be paid out on November 6, 2020.
6th. Input the time until the next furthest ex-dividend date. For example AAPL's next ex-dividend date after Aug 7th, is on November 6, 2020, which is 152 days away. So you'd input 152 (this includes weekends and holidays).
7th. Input your time until expiry. You can do so in terms of days, hours, and minutes.
8th. Input your chart time-frame in term of minutes. For example, if you're using the 1 min time-frame enter 1, 4hr time-frame enter 480, daily time-frame enter 1440.
9th. Lastly, pick what type of option you want data for: Long Call or Long Put.
*Disclaimer, because Black's Approximation is mostly geared towards stocks, this will only work for stocks. Also, the time variables: time until expiry and time until the ex-dividend dates; don't automatically update. So you will have to update them each day.
Position/stops calculation for controlled trade.Calculate your position and stop loss directly within the trading view chart.
Wallet Balance ==> represent you trading account wallet balance
Stop loss purcentage from entry ==> represent the pourcentage of the stop loss from the entry
risk purcentage per trade ==> represent the percentage of you wallet balance you are willing to loose after taking position in a trade, it is advisable to use a maximum risk of 3% or even much less.
Binomial Option Pricing ModelA binomial option pricing model is an option pricing model that calculates an option's price using binomial trees. The BOPM method of calculating option prices is different from the Black-Scholes Model because it provides more flexibility in the type of options you want to price. The BOPM, unlike the BS model typically used for European style options, allows you to price options which have the ability to exercise early, such as American or Bermudan options. Although you can use the BOPM for any option style.
This specific model allows you to price both American and European vanilla options.
The way the BOPM calculates option prices is by:
First, dividing up the time until expiry into equal parts called steps. This specific model presented only uses 2 steps. For example, say you have an option with an expiry of 60 days, and your binomial tree has only two steps. Then each step will contain 30 days.
Second, the model will project the expected price of the underlying at the end of each step, called a node. The expected price is calculated by using the underlying's volatility and projecting what the price of the underlying would be if it were to rise and fall. This step is repeated until the terminal node, aka the end of the tree, is reached.
Third, once the terminal node's expected underlying prices are calculated, their expected option prices must be calculated.
Finally, after calculating the terminal option prices, backwards induction must be used to calculate the option prices at the previous nodes, until you reach Node 0, aka the current option price.
In order to use this model:
1st. Enter your option's strike price.
2nd. Enter the risk-free-rate of the currency the option is based in.
3rd. Enter the dividend yield of the underlying if it's a stock, or the foreign risk-free-rate if it's an FX option.
*For example, if you were trading an AAPL stock option, in the risk-free-rate box mentioned in step 2, you would enter the US risk-free-rate because AAPL options are traded in US dollars. In the dividend yield box mentioned in step 3, you would enter the stock's dividend yield, which for AAPL is 0.82.
*If you were, for example, trading an option on the EUR/JPY currency pair, the risk-free-rate mentioned in step 2, would be the Japanese risk-free-rate. Then in the the dividend yield box from step 3, you'd input the Eurozone risk-free-rate.
*If you were trading an options on futures contract, the risk-free-rate mentioned in step 2, would be the risk-free-rate for whatever currency the futures contract is denominated in. For example EUR futures are denominated in USD, so you would input the US risk-free-rate. Meanwhile, something like FTSE futures are denominated in GBP, so you would input the British risk-free-rate. As for the dividend yield box mentioned in step 3, for all options on futures, enter 0.
4th. Pick what type of underlying the option is based on: stock, FX, or futures.
5th. Pick the style of option: American or European.
6th. Pick the type of option: Long Call or Long Put.
7th. Input your time until expiry. You can express this in terms of days, hours, and minutes.
8th. Lastly, input your chart time-frame in term of minutes. For example, if you're using the 1 min time-frame enter 1, 4hr time-frame enter 480, daily time-frame enter 1440.
*Disclaimer, because this particular model only uses 2 steps, it won't work on stocks with high prices (over $100). If you want to use this on stocks with prices greater than $100, you would need to add more steps to the code, shown below. The model in its current form should work for stocks below $100.
ADD for SPX intraday (NYSE Adv-Decl) -Tom1traderThis is the NYSE Advancers - decliners which the SPX pretty much follows. You can chart it like any index (ADD -NYSE $ADV MINUS $DECL) but I find it more useful in a separate panel with colors for direction.
The level gives an idea of days move (example: plus or minus 500 is not much movement through the session) but I follow the direction as when more stocks advance (green) or decline (red) the index tends to track it pretty closely.
On SPX, SPY and correlateds - very useful for intra-day trading (Scalping or 0DTE option trades) but not for higher time frames at all. If you chart the ADD in a chart and compare 5 minute to daily you will see what I mean.
I left it at 5 minutes timeframe which displays well on any intraday chart. You can change it by changing the "5" in the security function on line 13 to what you want ("1" 1 minute, "15" 15 minutes) or change it to timeframe.period (no quotes) so that it will follow the timeframe of the current chart. I like 5 min as it displays better on higher timeframes i.e. 15 min. or hour.
A simple moving average with a length of 10 is added to help gauge momemtum.
Hope this helps with trading or scripting ideas, questions or feed back welcome. Keep Smiling.
Prevous High & Low by Period + NY Zone
This is based on various example code and research done to try and help using the free ICT OTE Pattern on the NY 08:30 to 11:00 am
I tried to make this work on multiple time frames and settings but its best below 8hr
Legend (some of these are for fun and working examples)
RED BG color = Sunday Trading
MAROON STAR = Experiment in significant movement over the last 3 bars
Blue X = Engulfing Candle Marker
I have used this script as a building basis and research contributed by various sources on the internet. Its for learning purposes and helping to draw some lines.
McClellan Oscillator [CC]The McClellan Oscillator was created by Sherman and Marian McClellan and it is essentially a MACD of the advancing and declining symbols of the day and is best used as a comparison with the biggest stocks such as my example Apple but that is just my opinion. I pulled the symbol names from a Trading View blog so I'm not 100% sure if they are accurate so please let me know if I'm wrong. Buy when the indicator is over 0 and sell when it falls below 0 but keep in mind that these values are for the market itself and not the individual symbol.
This was a special request so let me know if you would like me to publish more scripts or if you want something custom done!
Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.
LSE_Bitcoin pump and flush at the London SE opening and closingBTC recently decoupled from SPX but now it is using London Exchange opening and closing hour to pump and flush.