Week Start - Highlights the first candle of the weekSome users asked in PM about a script that highlights the start of the week. Consequently, I decided to publish it open for anyone finding it useful.
Furthermore, I will update the script soon with more useful features and customisation options.
Breadth Indicators
Revolution RSI Multi Asset PerformanceUse this indicator to get a nice and easy view of the relative performance of the assets you're trading. I personally set length to 200 to get a long-term understanding of relative performance.
Moving Stop Loss (Most) by ceyhunATR is an indicator that has been removed and replaced with a moving average.Bar colors and infopanel have been added.
Green = ExMov > Most and close > Most and low > Most
Blue = ExMov > Most and close > Most and low < Most
Red = Most > ExMov and close < Most and high < Most
Yellow = Most > ExMov and close < Most and high > Most
//It gives White color where there is deterioration.
Buy Price = Blue draws the circles at the purchase price.
Profit Long>20 = Risk level taken as a percentage, I got the highest 20%, you can determine as you wish.
Sell Price = Red draws the circles at the purchase price.
Profit Short>20 = Risk level taken as a percentage, I got the highest 20%, you can determine as you wish.
==Atr Original Code==
CDC ATR Trailing Stop V2.1 (2013)
==Most Code==
Selectable Ticker DIXWith this script you can select 10 tickers and see the aggregated DIX for them. I have the highest volume equity ETFs as defaults, but one could easily select FAANGM and a few other mega caps and make a FAANGM DIX index by changing the tickers in the settings. One improvement item that I have not gotten around to doing is to create a dollar weighted version of this, similar to the actual Squeezemetrics SPX DIX. This is "equal weighted" To make a dollar weighted version, multiply each by the daily closing price essentially and THEN find the average. It is possible to do I just have not taken the time to do it. It is on the list of things to do. If anyone has a solution PM me and I will add it. Thanks.
Individual Ticker DIXThis is the "DIX" for the current ticker. Includes MAs/EMAs/regression built in. One issue that I have not taken the time to figure out is that it will not update until the next day. Monday's DIX will not show on here until Tuesday for example. I am sure it is a simple solution, I just have not taken the time to figure it out. If anyone knows the solution, PM me. Thanks.
SPX DIXThis is the SPX DIX from Squeezemetrics. The code was generated with Python-Pandas. I cannot get the full DIX because I hit the variable limit and have not found a workaround. Publishing this to see if others know of a workaround.
OneGeenCandle - Tether-Printer**************** OnegreenCandle - Tether Printer ************************
Shows the total market cap of USDT (US Dollar Tether) currency. Helpful for swing trading longer timeframes and indentifying new supply in the crypto market.
CM_Forex-Sessions-HighLowDay_V1Este indicador presenta las sesiones forex de Asia Londres y Nueva York junto a los altos y bajos del precio durante la jornada, se puede complementar con el indicador CM_Forex-AsiaSession-8H_V1 para ver los segmentos de 8 horas de la sesión de Asia.
This indicator presents the forex sessions of Asia London and New York along with the highs and lows of the price during the day, it can be complemented with the indicator CM_Forex-AsiaSession-8H_V1 to see the 8-hour segments of the Asian session.
On Balance Volume Disparity IndicatorThe On Balance Volume Disparity Indicator was created by Phillip C. Holt (Stocks & Commodities V. 14:6 (265-269)). This converts the classic OBV indicator into Bollinger Bands and calculates the percentage of where the value lies within the Bollinger Bands. Buy when the obvdi rises above its signal line and sell when it falls below the signal line.
This was a special request so let me know what other indicators you would like me to write scripts for!
Donchian Trend RibbonHello Traders,
I think you all know Donchian Channels. so I am not going to write about it.
With this indicator I tried to create Donchian Trend Ribbon by using Donchian Channels.
How it works ?
- it calculates main trend direction by using the length that is user-defined. so you can change it as you wish
- then it calculates trend direction for each 9 lower lengths. if you set the length = 20 then the lengths are 19, 18,...11
- and it checks if the trend directions that came from lower lengths is same or not with main trend direction.
- it changes the trend color of the ribbon.
Warning: Entry points may also represents trend reversal. So you should use stoploss line if you decide to take buy/sell positions.
P.S. I didn't backtest it, it's non-repainting, it should be used educational purposes only.
Published by user request. You may want to see following one:
BoilerRoomColdCaller - 3Commas Grid Bot SignalThis is very similar to 3Commas' grid bot, the range is from the previous 7 days' lowest low decreased by 3% to the previous 7 days' highest high increased by 3%, you can also adjust if you want 7 days' highest/lowest close price as your range or highest high and lowest low as your range. 10 buys and 10 sells within the range, the unit price would be (high-low)/19.
The buy signals and the sell signals will be triggered if:
- The previous close is below one specific green line (buy line), and the current close is above that specific green line, or
- The previous close is above one specific green line (buy line), and the current close is below that specific green line
Thus, whether the price is dropping below these lines or rising above these lines, a buy or sell signal will be triggered when they cross green or red lines. Your entry price will be the next open price after this candle's close reaches the lines.
Big thanks to @glaz, who helped me a lot with this script. Please give a like button and share if you like this script. Let me know if you have questions, thanks guys.
RIVA KELLER CCI and BB 1HCriei este indicador com a finalidade de ajudar iniciantes no mercado a encontrarem os ponto de entrada e exaustão.
Pontos de entrada irão aparecer no indicador como "COMPRAR'' ou ''VENDER'', com o histograma na cor verde ou vermelha.
Regiões de exaustão irão aparecer no histograma em amarelo(sobrecompra) e azul (sobrevenda).
Indicador pronto para ser utilizado no mercado Forex em tempo gráfico de 1H, take profit sugerido de 100pips e stop loss máximo de 250pips.
Recomendo analisar o gráfico com uma bollinger Bands de 20 períodos, com desvio de 2.0, sempre entrando quando o preço estiver dentro das bandas, com stop loss na banda superior se a operação for de venda e stop loss na banda inferior se a operação for de compra.
I created this indicator with the purpose of helping beginners in the market to find the entry and exhaustion points.
Entry points will appear on the indicator as "BUY '' or '' SELL '', with the histogram in green or red.
Exhaustion regions will appear in the histogram in yellow (overbought) and blue (oversold).
Indicator ready to be used in the Forex market in 1H chart time, suggested take profit of 100pips and maximum stop loss of 250pips.
I recommend analyzing the chart with a 20-period bollinger band, with a deviation of 2.0, always entering when the price is within the bands, with stop loss in the upper band if the operation is for sale and stop loss in the lower band if the operation is for purchase.
Bollinger Channels / EMA and SMAThis is written as a system to replace the BB strategy.
I think it will work well.
It looks pretty stylish.
Description / Usage:
Adjust the length and multiplier based on your location with Bollinger Bands.
The multiplier of 1 provides you with a basic channel with high and low-source EMA (or SMA).
And with the 8-day exponential moving average, you can observe short entries and exits.
I wish good luck to the friends who will use it.
You can support and track new indicators.
Bu, BB stratejisinin yerini alacak bir sistem olarak yazılmıştır.
Oldukça şık görünüyor.
Bollinger Bantları ile bulunduğunuz yere göre uzunluk ve çarpanı ayarlayın.
1 çarpanı size yüksek ve düşük kaynaklı EMA (veya SMA) içeren temel bir kanal sağlar.
Ve 8 günlük üstel hareketli ortalama ile kısa giriş ve çıkışları gözlemleyebilirsiniz.
Kullanacak arkadaşlara bol kazançlar diliyorum.
Yeni indikatör için destek olabilir ve takip edebilirsiniz.
Major Event Price Indicators (Coronavirus Lows)This very simple script adds a corridor for two low price ranges, where Corona started to hit. Useful to visualize where a stock currently trades at, relative to the Corona / Covid-19 crisis.
Can easily be adjusted for different dates regarding any major events, crashes. Useful when you run out of Alarms and just want to see "is that still below or above where it was before ?".
Add as many dates as you want, just alter the names of each indicator.
Built upon the script of vitvlkv.
Auto Fib Retracement AlertsFor the fibonacci traders.
The Auto Fib Retracement Is a good indicator for tradingview to show you the current alerts and points to watch in the market
This controls your alert levels
I have modified it to deliver the following
+Custom Fib retracement level alerts
+Drawing of old levels and retracement levels
+Backtesting Old Alerts
There are two shapes drawn on the chart;
Shown When the fib end is attained and market retraces back to your level
1. Buy retracement -
2. Sell retracement
How are they detected?
When we have new levels in the market; this is when the red or gree line changes, we calculate the new fib level that we will be watching for retracement
This is the purple level drawn on the chart
When the market first crosses below or above this level, The alert will be fired.
Consequent crosses are not updated
Enjoy! 😍
Originally requested by trade atechproduction
McClellan Summation Index - Miekka FormulaThis indicator is the McClellan Summation Index calculated as by Jim Miekka. Jim was a renowned mathematician who contributed immensely to the trading world by tying to develop independent mathematical indicators.
It was Jim Miekka who established the independent relationship to calculate the Summation index without calculating the cumulative of the McClellan Oscillator.
On top of the Summation Index I have added a 10 EMA to easily identify a change in trend.
I would recommend a user to read more about the Summation index and its utilities before using this indicator.
Altcoins capitalization histogram [peregringlk]This script superseeds "Other altcoins BTC capitalization histogram". The previous versions was a bit confusing in my opinion and lacked some generalization, so I'm now publishing this improved version.
It shows 6 pieces of info:
- Green columns: BTC price change for that day.
- Red bars: Altcoins capitalization change for that day, measured in bitcoins (altcoins_USD_capitalization / BTCUSD)
- Green/red background: green if that day the USD capitalization change was a gain, and red if it was a loss.
- Green line: accum BTC price change for the selected last days.
- Red line: accum altcoin capitalization change measured in BTC for the selected days.
- Dotted blue sequence: accum altcoin USD capitalization change for the selected days.
The base line of the histogram is 1 instead of 0, because I'm showing the price changes as multipliers (price change rates), so if there have been a +20% market movement, the calculated value will be 1.2, and if there have been a -20% market movement, then the value will be 0.8. 1 means no movement (preserved price/capitalization). Price and capitalization changes will be calculated using candle closes.
About the accumulated price changes, it will calculate the accumulated multiplication of the corresponding price change multipliers. For example, if you have set you want 3 days for the accumulation rates, and the last three days saw a -20%, +10% and +15% price/capitalization changes, the current value for the line will be 0.8*1.1*1.15 = 1.0120, or a +1.2% price change respect to the day before yesterday.
By default, if you are looking any ALTBTC market (for example, ETHBTC), instead of showing the USD and BTC capitalization of all alts, it will take the BTC and USD prices of the current market (the USD price will be calculated as ALTBTC * BTCUSD; and the BTCUSD price will be taken from BITSTAMP, the one with the longest BTC history I know in tradingview). If you are looking any other markets that is not paired with BTC, then it will take the USD capitalization of all altcoins, and the BTC capitalization will be calculated as altcoins_USD_capitalization / BTCUSD (from BITSTAMP as well).
Also, remember that, in both cases (alts capitalization or price), the graph will consistently respect the following rule:
- btc_usd_price_change * alt/capitalization_btc_price_change = alt_usd_price_change.
That applies for both the green/red bars respect to the background, and the green/red line respect to the blue dotted sequence.
Lastly, you may want to know if, in case btc price and altbtc price or capitalization go in opposite directions, who gain the battle? For example, if BTCUSD moved +20%, and an ALTBTC price moved -20%, the result is a loss, because 1.2*0.8 = 0.96, so the ALTUSD price or capitalization moved -4% (remember that, for preserving the USD value, if today's bitcoin change rate is x, the altbtc change rate must be 1/x; so for a -20% BTCUSD price movement, there must be at least a +25% ALTBTC price change to don't loss USD value, because 1/0.8 = 1.25). The background is what shows you that: if the background is green, it means that for that day there was a total USD gain of value, and when it's red, then it was a loss of USD value.
You can customize the following things:
- Accum change rate interval: the "selected days". By default 7.
- Take alts-capitalization?: By default unmarked. The effect when is unmarked is what I have explained in the previous paragraph. If you mark it, then it will use the USD_capitalization of all alts no matter what market you are looking right now.
- Which capitalization do you want? There are three options, that applies when "Take alts-capitalization?" is marked, or otherwise, when you are not looking a BTC-paired market.
- - - All-alts (default option): take CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL2 security as reference Alts-capitalization, which represents all altcoins.
- - - Other-alts: take CRYPTOCAP:OTHERS security as reference Alts-capitalization, which represents all altcoin except the 9 most capitalized alts.
- - - Big-alts: take CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL2 - CRYPTOCAP:OTHERS as reference Alts-capitalization, which represenst only the 9 most capitalized alts.
The idea of this script is:
A) Figuring out what is causing a USD value gain or loss, the alts market movements, or the BTC price change. So you can spot if some altcoin, or all altcoins combined, are gaining or loosing value by themselves or because of bitcoin.
B) Trying to spot or discover some patterns that allows you to identify altseasons. Once an altseason has been developed, the chart will show it in a pretty obvious way (massive red line bells and dotted blue lines with very high values during a period of various weeks). The hard problem is to spot it in advance, and maybe this graph can help.
FANG INDICATORTrack the strength of any group of stocks that are driving markets. This defaults to FANG. In the settings, replace the symbols to better fit the environment such as replacing NFLX with AAPL.
CPR by Anand with PDL/PDH & Breakouts 15/30 minsThis is an enhanced version of CPR by Anand with Configurable previous day high and low and option to configure breakout lines of 15 and 30 mins.
Will be an useful tool for day traders who follows CPR tricks and breakouts.
Expanded Camarilla LevelsHello Everyone,
The Expanded Camarilla Level s is introduced in the book " Secrets of a Pivot Boss: Revealing Proven Methods for Profiting in the Market " by Franklin Ocho a. I will not write a lot about the book, you should read it for yourself. There are many great ideas in the book, such using these levels, following trend, time price opportunity, Advanced Camarilla Concepts and much more.
The definition/formula of the levels defined in the book. ( actualy L1, L2, H1 and H2 levels are not used in the strategy, so not shown on the chart )
RANGE = highhtf - lowhtf
H4 = CLOSE + RANGE * 1.1/2
H3 = CLOSE+ RANGE * 1.1/4
H2 = CLOSE+ RANGE * 1.1/6
H1 = CLOSE+ RANGE * 1.1/12
L1 = CLOSE- RANGE * 1.1/12
L2 = CLOSE- RANGE * 1.1/6
L3 = CLOSE- RANGE * 1.1/4
L4 = CLOSE- RANGE * 1.1/2
L5 = CLOSE- (H5 - CLOSE)
Strategy: you need to take care of the candles, as you can see there is bearish candle on first part, and Bullish Candle on second part!
Another Strategy:
An Example:
TKP % Dist from MA'sThis script allows you to see how far away the closing price is, in percetage terms, from any moving average on any time frame (Simple or exponential).
Other altcoins BTC capitalization histogram [peregringlk]Introduction
This study is intented to be used in combination with my other study "Other alts compensated cap". Read its description, in particular, it's rationale, to understand why I have removed the big capitalized altcoins from these studies.
The middle indicator in the image is that other study, while the indicator in the buttom of the image is that one.
It shows, in form of histogram, the BTC capitalization change rate (per candle, using closes) of the "OTHERS" altcoins together with the inverse of the BTCUSD price change rate per candle.
NOTE: I call the change rate to the multiplier factor of price from bar to bar. For example, a change rate of 1.20 means +20% respect to "yesterday", and a change rate of 0.80 means -20%.
The idea is to know what are altcoin markets (against BTC) doing after each BTC price change.
I will use ALT from now one as the name of an index or fictional coin that represents the average price of all other altcoins combined. I'll use then ALTUSD to represent the price against USD of such fictional coin (= the OTHERS capitalization, as if the USD capitalization of altcoins were the USD price of ALT), and ALTBTC to represent the same price but against BTC (calculated by taking ALTUSD/BITSTAMP:BTCUSD; the choosing of BITSTAMP is because it's the market with a longer history in tradingview).
Since I use the "OTHERS" security, I cannot know the real altcoin index so I can only estimate by using the capitalization. CIX100 could be a solution, but it is too recent in time as to inspect past price actions.
For example, let's assume BTCUSD decreases by 20% today. It would cause a fall in ALTUSD of 20% (just maths). So, what should it happen in ALTBTC to preserve the original ALTUSD price? People should buy alts in BTC markets by a factor of 1/0.8 = 1.25. Or in other words, unless there are a +25% grow in ALTBTC, ALTUSD would see a decrease in value.
This is what the histogram shows. The red columns shows the ALTBTC change rate per candle, while each green column shows what is the required change rate in ALTBTC required to preserve its ALTUSD value (capitalization). In other words, the green columns are the "targets" to preserve USD capitalization in ALTBTC, while the red histogram shows the actual changes.
Also, it shows two curves. There are just the change rate accumulation during some customizable interval (the same for both lines, and 7 by default; or the "week" for daily candles).
The green line is the accumulated "target" change rate within that period of time (the accumulated product of the last `interval` change rates), and the red line is the actual change rate for the same `interval` candles.
If red column values are bigger than the green ones (green column is negative, and red column is positive; or both are positives but the red one "put outs", or both are negative but the red column doesn't "put out"), OTHERS USD capitalization has increased.
If red column values are lower than the green ones (green column is positive and red column is negative; or both are positives but the red one doesn't "put out"; or both are negative but the red column "put outs"), OTHERS USD capitalization has decreased.
The same for the continuous lines: if the red line is above the green one, OTHERS USD capitalization has increased during "the past week". Otherwise, it has decreased.
The added value of this indicator is that it allows you to know "why". For example, if a green column is positive, and its corresponding red column is positive as well, but below the green one, the capitalization has decreased but BECAUSE the btc price has fallen, not because there was a sellof in alts. Actually, there was some buys (the ALTBTC price increased); it just it was not enough to counteract the btc fall.
That can be clearly seen in the remarked candle in the plot, the "coronavirus" sellof. The BTCUSD fall was huge (the hugest in BTC history), and the green column is telling you that to preserve the capitalization a lot of buys were required. However, that didn't happen. Actually, the OTHER alts were pretty quiet (the red column is tiny), causing a massive indirect loss of capitalization.
Also, with the curves, you can know if there was a total gainning or loss of capitalization during the past few days or candles. Also you can try to spot the beginning of alts seasons by crosses between red and green lines: if the red lines crosses above the green one (because there was a continuous sequence of red columns above green ones), it means that, potentially, were are at the beginning of an alt season because people are accumulating.
Table of cases
- if the green column is positive (BTCUSD is down)
- if the red column is positive (ALTBTC is up)
- bigger than the green column: ALTBTC buys are stronger than required by arbitrage and have counteracted and overcome the BTC fall.
- shorter than the green column: there have been some buys but not enough, so the BTCUSD fall has not been fully counteracted.
- if the red column is negative (ALTBTC is down): the loss is double: BTCUSD have lost value + ALTBTC is bleeding.
- If the green column is negative (BTCUSD is up)
- if the red column is negative (ALTBTC is down)
- bigger than the green column: ALTBTC sells are so strong that have counteracted the BTC increase in value, causing a loss of USD value.
- shorter than the green column: there have been sells but overall the ALTUSD price has increased.
- if the red column is positive (ALTBTC is up): the gain is double: BTCUSD has gain value + ALTBTC is also growing.