bitFlyer DivergencebitFlyer Divergence.
Basis is BitMEX:BXBT(converted into JPY).
*bitFlyer BTCJPY spot
*bitFlyer FXBTCJPY
Fuchsia(pink) = BTCJPY spot - BXBT
Teal(dark green) = FXBTCJPY - BTCJPY spot
Lime(light green) = BTCspot - BXBT
Breadth Indicators
Daily Pivot Standart alertableWith this Indicator u can set allert between the Pivot points
So it is useful for scalping
OWEN 34-144EMA Trader //@version=3
study("OWEN 34-144EMA Trader", overlay=true)
m = ema(close, 34)
pm = ema(close , 34)
t = ema(close, 144)
pt = ema(close , 144)
prev = pm - pt
curr = m - t
plot(m, "Momentum", blue, transp=0)
plot(t, "Trend", red, transp=0)
cross_up = prev <= 0 and curr > 0
cross_down = prev >= 0 and curr < 0
TheStocksDoctor_WVF + ADX + CCIThis script is a modified version of CM Williams Vix Fix for which I have added an indicator that shows when ADX and CCI are both indicating positive momentum - highlighted by green bars. This is part of TheStocksDoctor Trading System.
Inputs are as follows:
Lookback period Standard Deviation High ---> 22
Bolinger Band Length ---> 20
Bollinger Band Standard Dev.. ---> 2
Lookback period percentile high ---> 50
Highest Percentile ---> 0.85
----Highlight bars Below... --->
Show Highlight bar if WVF WAS true is now False --->
Show highlight bar if WVF IS True --->
----Highlight bars Below Use Filtered... --->
Show highlight bar for filtered entry --->
Show highlight bar for AGGRESSIVE Filtered Entry? --->
Check below to Turn all Bars Gray --->
Check box to Turn Bars gray? --->
Long-term look back current bar has to close Below... ---> 40
Medium-term look back current bar has to close below... ---> 14
Entry price action strength --close... ---> 3
--------Turn On/Off Alerts below... --->
---To activate alerts you HAVE To Check... --->
---You can un Check the box BELOW... --->
Show Williams Vix Fix Histogram... --->
Show Alert WVF = True? --->
Show Alert WVF wa true now False? --->
Show Alert WVF Filtered? --->
Show Alert WVF AGGRESSIVE Filter? --->
ADX Smoothing ---> 17
DI Length ---> 17
Godmode 4.0.2 [Supply/Demand]First off, a huge thank you to the following people:
This is the third iteration of Godmode. This time I borrowed the method used by shtcoinr to render supply/demand, resistance and support zones. The idea here is to input the appropriate benchmark tickerid to the asset class you're trading and to paint zones according to the price activity of the selected tickerid. This works very well trying to paint meaningful zones against noisy stocks, currencies, commodities etc. Use a correlation coefficient to determine the best benchmark for your asset class.
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The list will be updated in the future as more people share the resources that have helped, or continue to help, them. Follow me on Twitter to keep up-to-date with the growing list of resources.
Suggestions or Questions?
Don't even kinda hesitate to forward them to me. My (metaphorical) door is always open.
Error in dataIt gaves you a clear look into how many errors the data has for a current market.
Basically it checks if close =open and by how much margin that is correct
All Longs Shorts USDSummary longs, shorts of cryptos ( BTC ETH EOS XRP LTC XMR) in millions USD on Bitfinex.
UVOL / DVOL RatioPlots the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX UP Volume and DOWN Volume ratios as a histogram - and adds the index UVOL / DVOL ratios as a line graph.
DVOL is represented as negative - UVOL as positive. When either is above 2 its a good predictor of the day's outcome. At least - it tells you if the bulls or bears are winning the day.
Really simple to use / edit to your needs
ATR BandsEach line is drawn at intervals based on the value ATR * Coefficient.
Source: Specifies a center line. Default value is close.
Period: ATR Period.
Coefficient: Adjusts the bandwidth.
Speed_long_short-v2[WOZDUX]Indicator longs and shorts version 2.
Индикатор лонги и шорты версия 2.
Assassin OHLCshow yesterday Daily high and low ,close(today's open).
You can save It yourself for change show last value.
Pine script limit change the length from configure.
Symbol Difference-Buschi
It's a very simple script to calculate the difference of the closing values of two symbols (symbol 1 - symbol 2).
Default values are AAPL vs. MSFT .
Das ist ein sehr einfaches Skript, das die Differenz zweier Werte darstellt (Symbol 1 - Symbol 2).
Standardwerte sind AAPL vs. MSFT.
Advance Decline Vol Breadth Ratio - SatinderThis is ratio of aggregated volume of number of advances to the aggregated volume of number of declines. For e.g if Advance Decline ratio is 1, which means 50% of the stocks are advancing and 50% are declining, but there is more volume flowing into the advancing stocks, the market will move up. This ratio helps you gauge the market direction and can be used in combination of other breadth indicators.
The Breadth Ratio is a volume ratio composed of volume flowing into up stocks versus volume flowing into down stocks. This gives me a ratio that helps me gauge how strong the market will move in a particular direction for that particular day.
- For a STRONG POSITIVE trending day, I would want to see this ratio at a value of at least 2:1 positive; This means that we have 2x the amount of volume flowing into names moving higher on the session when compared to volume going into names moving lower.
-The opposite is true for a weak session moving lower; In that case, I would want to see at least 2:1 negative,This means that 2x the amount of volume is flowing into names moving lower on the session when compared to volume going into names moving higher.
Courtesy RobertTrader
Newton Force and MomentumThis indicator is meant to show the Force of price, based on Newton's Second Law of Motion; and the momentum of price. Force is the value on the left, and momentum on the right.
Originally this was supposed to only be an indicator looking at Force, but because the already popular indicator called "Momentum" does not calculate the momentum of price, but rather the change of price depending on how far back you want to look; I decided to add the Momentum aspect to the indicator.
*BTW if you find this script useful thank and follow @overttherainbow, because they are the one who gave me the idea for this script.*
Mathematical Derivatives of PriceThis indicator is meant to show the Velocity (1st order derivative), Acceleration (2nd order derivative), Jerk (3rd order derivative), Snap (4th order derivative), Crackle (5th order derivative), & Pop (6th order derivative) of price. The values at the top of the indicator window are in this order from left to right. I don't particularly know how this would be used in a trading strategy, but if you're ever curious about how quickly price is moving and how much it is accelerating, then you could use this tool.
*If you only care about velocity and acceleration, and don't like how squished the window is because of the long decimal numbers then edit the "precision" value in the first line of the script to a smaller number of your choosing.*
Identify market tops/ bottoms: Advance/ Decline Volume >89%Marks days with up-volume or down-volume greater than 89%. Helps to identify market bottoms or tops.
(Data from NYSE stock exchange)