How to Trade: Manual Trading Vs Auto TradingSome time ago, I made the poll asking the audience from the social media the following question: "What type of trading do you prefer?"
The options were:
- Manual Trading
- Auto Trading
- Both Types
To make everything clear, let me describe each type:
Manual Trading - it is any trading when you open, manage, and close trades by yourself. You can trade using signals from your trading strategies, or you can use trading signals from other traders. What is very important for such type of trading? You need time, knowledge, and experience to do this job properly.
Auto Trading - it is trading where you use trading robots or any copy trading services. You also get signals, but they come from other sources. The main difference from manual trading is - you don’t need to open, manage, and close trades by yourself. Everything works automatically.
The vote results surprised me, and I decided to comment them and recommend the right type of trading based for different conditions.
I will share with you the results of that poll in the updates, but before it, I offer you to take part in voting too. Please, pick the best option for you from the list. Write about your selection, why you prefer Manual, Auto or both types of trading.
So, let's start!
We have to think about the right choice of trading type from different points of view. We have to take into consideration your status, knowledge, and experience level, and what do you want to get from trading.
If you have a full-time job, probably you won't be able to spend much time on trading. What should you do in such a situation? You can use high timeframes like 6H, the daily, and the weekly for searching trading opportunities, opening, managing, and closing trades. When you have a full-time job, you can trade based on your trading ideas or use trading recommendations from other traders and experts.
For such type of trading, you need to have enough money, because high timeframes need wide stop-loss sizes. As a result, solid capital will be good for such type of trading, and it will allow staying in the borders of the proper risk and money management. If it is your case, manual trading can be a good choice for you!
But what if you don't have solid capital? If so, you should trade on lower timeframes to get small risk per trade. You should use hourly and minutes charts for searching trading opportunities, opening, managing, and closing trades. But, you have a full-time job and... you have a conflict between your wishes and your opportunities. If you don't have time for trading based on lower timeframes, you should not even try. It will lead you to skipped trades and unpredictable results. But what to do in such case?
Automative trading is the best choice. You can use trading robots or copy signals from signal providers. All trades will be opened, managed, and closed automatically on your account. So, using this service like auto trading will allow you to trade in the right timeframes without skipping signals. But what is more important, it will allow you to follow the proper risk management.
Let's look at trading from another point of view. You have knowledge about how to trade properly in the financial markets. If so, you also can try to use manual trading for making profit. Of course, if your status and financial situation allow you to do it. If you have the knowledge, but you don't have time or solid capital - in such way also welcome to auto trading.
If we talk about you, like a novice trader without knowledge at all, you should forget about manual trading at least in the beginning. If you start trading, even if your status and financial situation allow you to do manual trading, without knowledge, you will have amazing chances to lose all your money. Trading without knowledge leads to zero on your trading account. It is just the question of time. If you want to protect your money, auto trading must be your choice. Here we also talk about different types of auto trading like trading robots and copy trading services.
This point of view is close to the previous one. Knowledge and experience are the key elements of any profitable trading. If you want to be successful in the financial markets, you must have knowledge, experience, time, and enough money for manual trading. If you don't have at least one of these elements, it will be better to focus on auto trading.
And here, let's look at the possible trading type based on your goals. If you want to become a PRO trader and develop yourself in this field, of course, you need to focus on manual trading. This type of trading will provide you good experience and understanding what is real trading. You can trade manually but not from the beginning. For starting, auto trading will be better. It will allow you to avoid stupid mistakes, protect money, and get experience. But when you get the basic knowledge and add experience from auto trading - you can switch to manual trading.
If your goal is to get an additional income only, auto trading is the simple and proper way. You don't need to spend time on trading, but you can get profit from trading. Sounds great! Don't you think so? You can use trading robots as a possible option, but copy trading should become your best choice. For using robots, you need at least minimum knowledge of how to set up trading robots, how to install robots and settings. Copy trading will need from your side several clicks on buttons and nothing more. Copy trading is the simplest solution for trading in the financial markets for everyone.
In this post, I tried to explain to you what type of trading will be more suitable for you. As you can see, you need to take into consideration at least several important things. The right choice will help you to make a stable profit and feel comfortable. At the same time, picking the wrong option will lead you to blow up your money.
And one more thing I would like to add. Manual and auto trading have their advantages and disadvantages. They are not perfect, but they are both workable if you know how to use these types of trading properly. Manual trading can be more interesting because it allows following market conditions closer, of course, if you know how to do it. But auto trading allows you to cover many markets and timeframes at the same time. It means we have better diversification and lower risks. Auto trading allows you to trade in a FREE emotional way. It is a very solid argument for auto trading, because emotions, especially for novice traders, are the reasons for making mistakes. Mistakes in trading lead to blowing up capital.
Also, I would like to advise you to use both types of trading. This option allows you to optimize your trading based on your opportunities and goals. Just combine in your trading portfolio manual trading based on signals from your trading strategies, with trading robots and signal providers. You will have an amazing opportunity to diversify your trading and reach much more stable results in the long run. At the same time, you will have opportunities to grow as a trader getting knowledge and experience from real trading. This combination is powerful and with many advantages!
I hope this post gave you some ideas about what to do and how to trade. If you have questions, please, leave them in comments. Let's discuss! I will be grateful if you support this post by your likes!
Our Elliott Wave 5th Wave Target Zone Hit on EURJPY Earlier today we made a quick education video discussing the tools in our indicator suite and how to use them to trade the high probability 5th wave moves. We used this EURJPY example as it was setting up. The orginal video can be viewed >>HERE<<
This next video is a follow to show our automated 5th wave target zone has been hit, completing a great Elliott 5th Wave trade on the 5 minute time frame for EURJPY.
Watch the video tour of our Elliott Wave Indicator Suite >>>HERE<<<
Entry Points for our 5th Wave Trades - EURUSD 30min ExamplePart of our Elliott Wave Indicator suite are our 6/4MA High and Lows which are designed to allow traders a sensible entry strategy for long and short 5th wave trades.
In this example a great 5th wave trade was entered on EURUD on the 30 minute time frame using our Elliott Wave Indicator Suite for TradingView. The green arrow on the chart highlights the short entry through our Red 6/4 MA Low. As with 80% of our 5th wave trades, our 5th wave automated target zone was hit.
You will also notice our Elliott wave oscillator pulled back on the 4th wave within our parameters along with crossover of false breakout stochastic. These are special tools, along with out probability pull back zones that allow use to measure the behaviour of the 4th wave. This is important to help identify High Probability 5th wave moves.
Find out more bout our Elliott Wave Indicator Suite for TradingView >>>HERE<<<
The Right Goals in Trading Which You Must KnowAs I can see, tutorials are not so popular in TradingView if compare them with trading signals. But in spite of this fact, I want to keep sharing my ideas and experience about - How to trade properly in the financial markets. Of course, I can't teach you how to become successful in trading just write for you 10, 20, 30 such posts. Without your wish, you won't be able to become a good trader. Aslo, if you don't want to avoid mistakes reading my posts, it is only your choice. It is your money and how to use them depends on you.
What I want - just to push you in the right direction. Show you the alternatives. And I hope for someone it will be the starting point of the proper trading. I will be grateful if you support my tutorials by your LIKEs and comments. It will keep my motivation to share my personal experience here.
In my previous post, we talked about goals in trading in the format "Profitable Trading Vs Proper Trading". Get more details in the related ideas. Today, let's talk about goals in trading from another point of view.
What is the main goal in trading? What is the 2nd goal in trading? What is the 3rd goal in trading?
If I ask you these questions, what will you answer?
If you are a novice trader, probably you will tell me that the main goal in trading is to make profit. As for other goals, there will be many different variants.
It is logically, and of course, all traders want to use financial markets for making money.
But don’t you think that this goal and more than 90% of losers can be related in trading?
When you focus only on getting money, you forget or you don't have time to think about other, much more important things. How to protect your capital? How to manage your capital properly? How to trade? How to control emotions?
Your main goal is - to make money, a lot of money. You want to become rich as soon as possible. You think only about how to reach this main goal. Become rich very quickly and without efforts. Such an approach can be a reason why many traders lose their money.
From my experience, and believe I have a lot of examples, when a novice trader thinks only about profit, he or she is not far from blowing up the capital. As a result, we have more than 90% of failed traders.
In order to avoid this situation, I suggest you to change the typical way of thinking.
Stop focusing on profit. Start thinking about - how to protect your capital in every single trade. Focus on protecting your capital in the long run. What if you face with 10 wrong trades? What if you face with 20 or maybe 30 wrong trades in a raw? How will you protect your capital?
Only after understanding how to do it and after becoming an expert in this field - you will have a chance to succeed.
Trading is risky. There are no 100% reliable signals. It means that every trade you open can destroy your capital. That’s why risk and money management are so important in profitable trading.
When you start using the right risk and money management strategies, the next step can be like - you need to think about profit. You need to focus on making small but stable profit. How to make 1USD, may be every day or every week? It does not matter. The main goal is to be in profit in the long run. With the right money management and with profitable trading, you will be able to increase the size of profit in the future. But for this period the size is not important. Yes, even 1USD every week, in the long run, must be much better for you than 100 000USD as one-time successful trade.
After becoming profitable in the long run, you should think about how to get extra profit. Only after passing the previous steps you can search for very profitable trades, work with increased risk, interesting market conditions just in order to get more than your average profit. Such an approach will help you to manage your money not only properly but also effectively.
But when you focus on super-profits from the beginning, you miss all the important steps and elements which must be in your trading. As a result, you do the best for becoming one of failed traders.
My list of goals which I would like to recommend:
The 1st Goal - Protect Your Capital
The 2nd Goal - Make Small but Stable Profit
The 3rd Goal - Think about Extra Profit
Trading will be profitable for you with this approach. But you can test another one!
Proper Trading Vs Profitable TradingIf I ask you what type of trading you would like to reach, I guess that the majority will pick the profitable trading as the main goal. And it will be not so good. Let’s think together why and discuss it in comments below this post.
What does it mean profitable trading? It means that you trade for making money. It sounds like a good goal, of course, but for reaching it, you need to have knowledge and experience or a piece of luck. Novice traders don't want to spend time getting knowledge and experience. They want to start making money as soon as possible. That's why profitable trading as a goal is good for them. Yes, everyone can make a profit in trading. Even without knowledge, even without experience, even without trading plan and trading strategies. You need just a piece of luck for this. Everyone can make profitable trading. But what about making profit day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year? In this case, relying on luck is not a good idea at all. Just one day without luck can destroy all your profit and get all your money.
Profitable trading as a goal is not so good if you don't have enough knowledge and experience and very risky without them.
What about proper trading? Proper trading means you do the right steps in trading. It means you have the proven trading plan included tested trading strategies, the proper money management strategies. Your work is to follow your trading plan day by day.
With such an approach, you will be able to avoid mistakes. You won’t need luck for making profit as your profit will depend only on your trading plan and how you will follow it. It is absolutely another picture, and you can expect stable and profitable trading in the long run - day by day, week by week, month by month. For this, you just need to do the right steps = follow your trading plan.
That’s why when we talk about goals in trading, I would like to recommend set the right goals. Learn how to trade properly is one of them. Focus not on profit but focus on your trading. If you do the right steps, profit will come, and it will be stable income in the long run.
If you rely on luck in trading, you will fail. It is just the question of time.